Home News Windham Plans Mayor’s Court

Windham Plans Mayor’s Court


Windham – Windham Village Council met for their regularly-scheduled meeting February 26, 2013 with  five of the six council members present, along with the Mayor Rob Donham, Fiscal Officer Lloyd Billman and Solicitor Tom Reitz in attendance. Council woman Deb Blewitt was excused from the meeting.

Council approved the minutes from the January meeting and tabled the approval of the special meetings held on February 4, 2013 until they can listen to the tapes to confirm their accuracy. They also approved the financial report, bank reconciliation and the expenditures.

The mayor reported that they had recently completed the mayor’s court training. They now have to get the software and get the logistics in place before getting the mayor’s court up and running. No time frame was given on when they expect the court to be operating.

The village is in the process of entering into a contract with Garrettsville Village for dispatching services for the Windham Police Department. They expect to pass the resolution in March and start using Garrettsville’s dispatch service by the middle of April.

Council then, passed Ordinance 2013-6 which repealed Ordinance 2012-50and reestablished section 181.18 reciprocity of the Village of Windham codified ordinances. This basically reinstates the .5 percent tax credit to be given to those who work outside of the village.

In other village news, Mayor Rob Donham gave the oath of office to Auxiliary Officer Trisha Peterson. Trisha has completed the police academy at Kent State University and had completed Ohio Peace Officer Training as well.

Council amended ordinance O-2012-53 to establish the wages for the position of part-time water operator-in-training effective immediately. The employee held the full-time position requested to go to part-time, working weekends. This will help cut overtime on the weekend shifts and save the village money.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Council meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7pm in council chambers.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography