Home Other Areas Windham NOPEC Project Hits Snag

Windham NOPEC Project Hits Snag


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for this April meeting with all trustees and the fiscal officer present. The first item on the agenda was guest recognition. Fire Chief Mike Iwanyckyj asked to address the trustees. The chief stated that the fire department had received a notice that their fuel tanks were in violation of the new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. The chief stated that they currently have single walled tanks that are too close to the building and are not fenced in with the proper fencing. The chief said he was forewarning the township that they may be hearing from the EPA because they have been out investigating several local municipalities and schools in the area after receiving complaints from someone. After some discussion the trustees will look at possible options to the dilemma. One option was to seek out purchasing fuel locally and foregoing the township tanks. No decision was made and the trustees thanked the chief for the information.

Another guest addressed the board and wanted to know why the minutes were not available on the web site, nor could she get a copy of the minutes emailed to her. She stated that she has asked for them repeatedly and has yet to see any of them. She also wanted to know why they were not printed and available for everyone at each meeting. After some discussion, it was learned that the web site now has the minutes that have been approved by the trustees posted. Anyone wanting them may print them or read them off the web site. The first NOPEC Grant Project was started and hit a snag; apparently the electric bill for The Green is in involved in a joint venture utility discount with the village with the bill in the village’s name. Ohio Edison will not allow the township to do anything because in the utility company’s eyes they are not the owner. The township wants to update the lighting on The Township Green before the Bicentennial. Timmons said they will  get it all sorted out and hopefully will be able to proceed with the project so it will be done by the Bicentennial Celebration slated for the end of July. Speaking of the Bicentennial Celebration, the trustee approved the payment of $2500 to the Bicentennial Committee to be used for the birthday bash.

Trustee Dann Timmons, the township’s representative to the fire board reported that they met with Lieutenant Colonel Ed Meade of Camp Ravenna and updated the Fire and EMS Contract. The original contract was signed before the fire board was established. LT. Col. Meade also requested that Windham handle their calls on the Braceville side of the camp as well. The fire board will discuss this issue at their regular meeting next week. Mr. Timmons said they did not want to infringe on the township of Braceville and cause an issue between the two entities.

Zoning inspector Rich Gano stated that the tires that were starting to re- appear at the Horner’s property were removed but the shingles were still there. It has been almost two years since the township took legal action against the homeowner and assisted them with the clean-up and removal of over 8000 tires from the premises. The trustees will keep an eye on the situation and reopen the case if they have to do so.  Gano also reported that there were zoning violations at 8536 Gotham Road, he had issued a letter and stopped by the premises and they have not responded so he will be turning it over to the prosecutor.

The trustees meet on the first Thursday of each month at the town hall at 7pm.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography