Home Other Areas Windham Firemen’s Carnival Deemed a Success

Windham Firemen’s Carnival Deemed a Success


Windham –  This past weekend Windham WVFD held their Annual Firemen’s Carnival. The event is traditionally held each year on graduation weekend with proceeds going to the fire station for equipment and supplies. The event has been going strong for over 32 years and features live music, food, rides, games, and good old fashioned fun.

The event opened Thursday night and folks came out to enjoy the food, rides, and visiting with friends and neighbors they hadn’t seen all winter.  Moms with little ones headed for the rides, teens did what teens do, eat, ride and just hang out with their friends, while the older folks visited with friends and took in the music.

Friday the event seemed to be off to a great start but then the rain came. The skies cleared out just in time for “Rebel Country Band” to perform the evening show.

Saturday, the grand parade stepped off at noon. Folks dodged rain drops all day and well into the evening, but they still came out, donning rain gear and umbrellas. The featured entertainment for Saturday was “Generation Gap,” “Sound Check” and “Bringing Benatar,” All the bands rocked out the night.

Those who were not into the music scene could enter the Texas Hold’em Tournament held at the fire station or try their luck at the 50/50 raffle.

Sunday brought the sunshine, and folks ventured back out to ride rides and eat carnie food. In spite of the weather, the event was deemed a success because folks dodged the rain and came out anyway.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography