Home News Wild 4 the Night

Wild 4 the Night


In 2011, a homeowner near Peninsula reported seeing a sasquatch with “grayish brown long hair, particularly over the face” in a ravine behind his house, according to The Bigfoot Field Researchers Association.  It is one of nine Bigfoot sightings reported in Summit County.
How much stock do you put into such sightings?
You can ask Senior Ohio Bigfoot Investigator Mark Maisel when he speaks at “Wild 4 the Night,” a free family event hosted by Wild4Ever, a locally-based conservation foundation.  This outreach event will feature live animals, stargazing, prizes, music and food from 5-9 p.m. Sept. 29 at Camp Christopher, 1930 North Hametown Road, Bath Township.
There is no charge for the event, which is sponsored by The Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital and Metro Parks, Serving Summit County, but festival-goers are asked to register in advance at www.wild4ever.com.  Limited edition “Squatch Watch” t-shirts can also be ordered from the site.
In addition to the “Bigfoot in Your Backyard?” talk by Maisel, there will be star-gazing with astronomers, live music with local artist Zach, games and crafts, free raffle tickets for great prizes and live animals, including raptors, bobcat, coyote, bats and more.  Snacks will be available for purchase, and all proceeds benefit local wildlife rehabilitation work.
For more information, please call (330) 825 – 2434


Anton Albert Photography