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We’re All Invited!


Start Something! Volunteer Today!

Call Today

Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County is currently in need of Big Brother volunteers. There are boys waiting in all parts of the county for someone who wants to spend time with them, mentor them and help them reach their potential.  Please call today at 330-296-6655 or visit the website at www.bbsportage.org.  All it takes is 12 hours a month and the willingness to start something!


Christmas Raffle Tickets On Sale Now

The JAG All Sports Boosters are hosting their 2nd annual Christmas

Raffle. This year there will be 3 prize categories: 1st Apple iPad 2,

2nd Apple iPod touch, and 3rd $100 cash. The drawing will be held

on Dec. 16, 2011 at 1/2time of boys varsity BB game. Tickets can

be purchased at the program booth during the remaining varsity

home FB games.  The All Sports Boosters meet on the 2nd Monday of every month in the High School Commons at 7 pm. All are welcome. Visit us at jagsportsboosters.webs.com.


Holiday Social Crafters Needed

Call Today

The Garrettsville will host their annual Holiday Social and talent contest on Saturday December 3rd from 12-4pm. The cost for a vendor spot is $15.00. You must bring your own table and chairs. Crafters/artist and also talent contestant’s applications are being accepted now. For an application please contact Jackie at rinearson05@frontier.com or Sherri at sherricollins@neo.rr.com


RCIA Invitation

Beginning Soon

St Ambrose Church in Garrettsville announces 2011-2012 R.C.I.A.  The R.C.I.A. begins in October and is a formation process for adults (18 years of age and older) who may wish to become Catholic. Classes will be held in the St. Ambrose church hall and will include learning, faith sharing, and fellowship. The R.C.I.A. culminates at the Easter Vigil with the celebration of the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. If you or someone you know may be interested in becoming Catholic, please call Fr. Leo Wehrlin at 330-527-4105.


Youth Boys Basketball Program

Through Nov 14

Registration for Ravenna Recreation Department / Debra Booher & Associates / Dr. Stephen Belli, DDS, MS Youth Boys Basketball League is held October 24 to November 14.  Teams will be formed by the following grades: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6.  Practices and games are held at various schools in Ravenna.  Practices begin in January and games are held February through beginning of April.  Ravenna city taxpayer fee is $40; non-city taxpayer fee is $48.  Deadline is November 14. For information & registration stop in at Ravenna Parks & Recreation Department at 530 North Freedom St., or call (330) 296-2864 weekdays 8 a.m. to noon or 1:00 p.m. to 4:15 pm.


Swim With The Hiram College Water Dogs

Deadline To Register Dec 2

Come swim with the water dogs.  Classes start on Dec 4th with various times on Sunday afternoons. All levels. Cost:  $50.00 per Child for all 5 lessons. Ages 4 years and older. Sign-ups: Sunday November 13th, from 2:30-4:30pm at the Hiram College Pool or  register online! Deadline to register December 2nd     http://www.hiram.edu/athletics/menssports/swim/lessons.html  Questions Call Jack Groselle at 330-569-5343.


Crafters & Vendors Needed

Call Today

Claridon Girl Scout Troop 1324 is looking for crafters and vendors for its 6th annual Santa Shoppe to be held on Saturday, November 12, 2011 from 9a.m. to 3p.m. at the Claridon Town Hall at the corner of Rt. 322 and Claridon-Troy Rd. Tables are $20.00 each. For more information and or reservations, please call Dolly at 440-635-1173


Quilting For The Homeless

First Thursday Of Month

You are invited to join the ladies of the Windham Church of Christ to make quilts for the homeless. We meet the first Thursday of the month from Noon to 2 pm in the fellowship hall of the church, 9837 Wolf Road. Anyone who wants to share thier quilitng experience, or who wants to learn, is invited. Call Carolyn Miller at 330 326-3340 if you have any questions.  We look forward to having you join us.


G-Men Youth Basketball

Call Today

It’s not too late to sign-up for the G-Men Boys Youth basketball program for grades 4-6.   For more information or to sign up please send an email to Varsity Head Coach Andy Olesky at aolesky@mail.garfield.sparcc.org.


Tutoring At RFC


Free tutoring for homework at the Renaissance Family Center is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays provided by Hiram students. Come and meet Nancy, Alexandria and Daniel from 3-4:30.


Awana At RFC


Children and youth ages 2 through 18 are invited to attend Awana or The WAY at the Renaissance Family Center at 9005 Wilverne Drive in Windham on Wednesday nights from 6:15 to 7:45 pm.  This is a great time for kids to learn about God in a fun environment.  Please make sure kids wear athletic shoes and pants because everyone gets game time!


People Tree Bell Ringers Needed

Call Today

The People Tree is in need of volunteers to ring bells.  If you can donate some time to help a worthy cause, please contact Kim at 330 527-4873.

GMS Football Scotch Doubles

Nov 5

The James A. Garfield Middle School Football Team will be holding a Scotch Doubles on Sat. Nov. 5th at 9 pm at Sky Lanes Bowling Alley. Cost is $40 / couple (adult only!) and includes 3 Games of Bowling, Shoe Rental, Pizza, Unlimited Draft Beer, Pop or Coffee. Chinese Auction and 50/50 drawing. For Tickets or to Reserve your lane call Kim Burrows @330-620-9523 or Mark Apple @330-221-1504


Card Making Party

Nov 5

There will be a card making party on Nov 5 from 2-5 pm at the North Bloomfield Town Hall. Cost is $14 and includes supplies and refreshments. Reservations must be made by Nov 1.  Call Liz Wildman at 440-685-4582 or Kathy Skeels at 440-685-4425.


Turkey Dinner

Nov 5

Pricetown Church annual Turkey Dinner, Saturday, Nov. 5 from 4pm to 7pm at the Newton Falls High School (907 Milton Blvd, South). All you can eat buffet. Adults – $9.00; Children (5 to 12) $4.00; Children 4 and under – Free  Carry outs will be available.


Portage Faith Church Bazaar

Nov 5

The women’s group at Portage Faith United Methodist Church at 9922 SR 44, Mantua, invites you to their Annual Bazaar & Country Store on Nov 5 from 9 am – 3 pm. Come purchase homemade crafts, baked goods, vegetable beef soup, noodles, quilts and more. Admission is FREE.


Swiss Steak Dinner & Bake Sale

Nov 5

Unity Lodge 12, F&AM  is holding a Swiss steak dinner and bake sale on Nov 5 from 5-7 p.m. at the Ravenna Masonic Complex, SR 14 & Washington Ave., Ravenna. Donation Adults $8; Kids 7-12 $5; Under 6 – Free. Carryouts available. Public welcome.


Study of The Gospel According To Mark

Nov 6

Holy Cross Anglican Church located at: 1046 Lake St., Kent, OH, is planning an in depth study of the Gospel according to Mark beginning Sunday, November 6th at 9 a.m. The study will include the use of DVDs and will be moderated by Rev. Fr. David Mathus, Doctor of Theology. The public is encouraged to attend to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the Gospels, Christian Faith and expand and deepen spiritual growth.

Free Coat Give Away

Through Nov 6

The Sanctuary of Praise Church of God is offering a free coat give away. Childrens coats size 0-3T. Womens’s wind breakers up to size 3XL. Coats are limited and available, first come first served, through Nov 6th. If you are interested in receiving a free coat, contact Lynne at 330 527-2942. Leave a message with your name, phone number and coat size & gender.


Annual Christmas Auction

Nov 6

The Warren Township Fire Dept Station #47 Auxiliary will hold their 12th Annual Christmas Auction on Nov 6 at 2 pm at Johnson Community Center, 800 Gillmer Road, Leavittsburg (just off Route 5 By-pass).  Slated for auction will be new merchandise including toys, tools, games, decorations and collectibles. Funds raised are used to support the Volunteer Firefighters. Doors open at 1 pm; refreshments available.


Pipe Organ Recital

Nov 6

An organ recital celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the St. Martin’s-Miles Pipe Organ will be held at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, 6295 Chagrin River Road on November 6th at 3 p.m.  Guest organist: James Clouser, CAGO, ChM.  Program includes an introduction to the pipe organ–“Rex: The King of Instruments,” narrated by Cassie Clouser, and J.S. Bach Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.  Free and open to the public.


Portage County’s Newest & Largest Park

Nov 6

Although the Morgan Preserve is not yet open to the general public, we have been given permission to begin exploring this 500+ acre park. Various stream and wetland areas are interspersed in a matrix of mature and young forest and abandoned farm fields. As of yet there are no trails and the sheer size of this preserve insures there will be plenty of natural surprises and exciting discoveries. Come and help us begin to fill in the blank spots on the map of this new park. 1:00-3:00pm. Directions provided upon registration:330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Sponsored by Friends of the Hiram College Field Station  (fee required).


Windham Athletic Boosters Chinese Auction

Nov 6

The Windham Athletic Boosters will be hosting a Chinese auction on November 6, 2011 @ Windham High School Gymnasium. Doors open @ 12pm.  Auction Begins @ 2pm.


Special Bingo

Nov 6

St Michael’s Church, 9736 East Center St, Windham, will be holding a special bingo sponsored by the Knights of Columbus on November 6th beginning at 1:30 pm. Gift and bakery raffle. Refreshments available. No one under 18, please.


Dorothy “DOT” Hedge Memorial Dedication

Nov 6

The Dorothy “Dot” Hedge Memorial Dedication will be held at the First Church of God, 9016 N. Main St, Windham on Nov. 6th.  Dinner 12:30 -1:30pm / RSVP November 4th

Dedication and Southern Gospel Concert 1:30-2:30pm  Artist is Christ Unlimited from Barberton, Ohio. Love offering will be taken. Dinner R.S.V.P by November 4th @ 330 326 2293


Hire A Band Member

Nov 6, 18 & 19

Members of the Crestwood Scarlet Guard are available to help you with your fall clean up – raking leaves, moving wood, or other odd jobs. For your generous contribution of $50, you will get a crew of two hardworking marching band members for two hours. Proceeds will directly benefit the spring band trip to perform at Disney World.  Band members will be available on November 6, 18, and 19. Please contact Kate Ferguson at 330-274-2214, or email (with “Hire a Band Member” in the subject line) kferguson@crestwoodschools.org.


Roast Beef Dinner

Nov 8

The Garrettsville United Methodist Church, located at 8223 Park Ave will be hosting a roast beef dinner on Election day, Nov 8th, from 4:30 pm – 7 pm. The cost is $8.50 for adults, $4.50 for children under 12 and free for preschool children. The menu includes roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls, dessert and beverages.  Take-out available.


Election Day Meal

Nov 8

Hiram Christian Church will be serving soup, bread and dessert on Election Day, November 8th from 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. This event is free and open to the community.


Annual Turkey Dinner

Nov 8

On Nov 8th, get out and vote and then head to the Parkman Community House (16295 Main Market/St. Rt. 422 – 1/4 mile east of St. Rt. 528 in Parkman) for a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings from 4:30 until 7 p.m.  We will be serving turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, squash, green beans, slaw, cranberry sauce, rolls, beverages and pie for dessert.  Adult dinners are $10; children (ages 5-11) are $5; pre-schoolers are free.  Take-outs are available (adult-size only).  Prepared and served by the Women’s Fellowship of Parkman Congregational Church.  We look forward to seeing you on Election Day!


Hiram Council Meeting

Nov 8

Because the Hiram Council Chambers will be used for the general election, the November Council Meeting beginning at 7 p.m. (19:00 hrs.) has been moved to the ALUMNI HERITAGE ROOM at TEACHOUT-PRICE HALL on the Hiram College Campus.


Ravenna Area Chamber of Commerce “Business after Hours”

Nov 9

The Ravenna Area Chamber of Commerce “Business after Hours” to be hosted by the Center of Hope on Wednesday, November 9 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm. Appetizers and beverages have been graciously donated. Take some time at the end of your busy day to mingle with old friends and make new acquaintances.  You will also have an opportunity to tour the Center of Hope and Christian Cupboard and ask any questions you may have about the work of this agency, which has served the community for over 25 years. Please R.S.V.P. to dstiles@portagefamilies.org or call 330-297-5454.  Each month the Chamber will offer the community the opportunities to enjoy  “Business After Hours”. The Chamber meets at a selected business, factory, etc. to see their operations and enjoy some food and conversation. The public is invited to attend. For details call Jack Ferguson, Executive Director, at 330-296-3886.


Free Community Dinner

Nov 10

A free community dinner hosted by Crossroads Community Church at 9018 SR 44, Shalersville Twp. will be held on Nov 10 from 5-7 p.m.  Please join us for food and fellowship.


Veteran Luncheon

Nov 10

All veterans and their families are invited to a luncheon at Noon on Nov. 10th at the Renaissance Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Dr., Windham.


JAG High School Parent Teacher Conferences

Nov 10 & 15

Parent Teacher Conferences for James A. Garfield H.S. are scheduled for November 10th 4:00-7:30 and November 15th 4:00-7:00.  If you would like to schedule conferences, please call Mrs. Fisher at 330-527-4341.


RFC Craft Show

Nov 11

You are invited to the Renaissance Craft Show Nov 11th, 11 am-5 pm, and November 12th, 10:00 am- 5:00 pm, lunch available. Free carving demonstrations also free old fashion peddle scroll saw demonstration. Crafts, jewelry, baked goods and much more.   Start your Christmas shopping early and beat the crowds.


Middlefield-Burton American Legion Dinner

Nov 11

There will be an open house with a soup, chili and cornbread dinner on Nov 11th from 4:30 – 7:30 pm at Post 459 of the American Legion.


PCDL Closed Veterans Day

Nov 11

All branches and offices of Portage County District Library will be closed Friday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.  They will resume regular operating hours the next day or, according to their hours of operation, on Monday, November 14.

Visit the Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org for additional information on library programs and services, including downloadable audiobooks and eBooks.


Soup & Sandwich Day

Nov 11

Soup & Sandwich Day will be held on Friday, November 11, 2011, from 3 p.m.to 5:30 p.m at  Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road (Route 534).  Take Outs Will Be Available


Christmas Boutique

Nov 12

St. Anselm Women’s Guild Christmas Boutique will be held on Saturday, Nov 12, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Anselm Church, 13013 Chillicothe Rd. (Rt. 306, just south of Rt. 322), Chesterland. There will be a Bake Sale, Snack Bar and Raffle. $1 donation for admission enters you in the door prize drawing. For vendor space contact Karen at 440-729-2476.

Veterans Pavilion Dedication

Nov 12

Veterans and their families as well as Burton Township residents are invited to a ceremony of dedication for the Veterans Pavilion at Veterans Memorial Forest & Park, 14821 Rapids Road, Burton Twp on Nov 12 at 10 am. Coffee and donuts will be served at the Administration Building.


4C’s Craft Show

Nov 12

The Crestwood 4 C’s will be sponsoring a craft show on Saturday, November 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Shalersville Town Hall (Corner of S. R. 44 & 303) Join us for homemade soup and pies, sloppy joes,etc. Support local artisans and the 4 C’s Emergency Food Cupboard. There will be door prizes and a Grand Prize of  a $100 Wal-Mart Gift Card. For every non-perishable food item you donate to the cupboard you will receive one free raffle ticket. An award-winning, queen size quilt donated by “Quilts for Causes” will be raffled at the end of the show. Quilt raffle tickets are $1.00 each or 6/$5.00


Two Grand Dinner

Nov 12

The James A. Garfield Band Two Grand Dinner will be held on Saturday, Nov. 12th at 6:30pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Mantua.    Every 10th ticket drawn during the dinner will be a prize winner with a grand prize of $2,000.   Additional games will include a lottery tree, 50/50 raffle, and a treasure chest with a prize valued at approximately $300.  Gift baskets will also be available to bid on.  Tickets are $40 per person and available through any JAG band student.  Winners do not need to be present.  Please contact the Garfield Bands at jamesagarfieldband@gmail.com if you have any questions.


Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Open House

Nov 12

Habitat for Humanity of Portage County is recruiting individuals who are willing to volunteer their time and energy to serve on active committees helping with the operations and

various functions of the organizations.  Individuals interested in selecting and working with Habitat families, oversight of construction days, marketing, fundraising and more are needed to assist the non-profit fulfill its goals. A volunteer information meeting will be held on Saturday November 12th at 10am at the Habitat office at 6630 Cleveland Road, Ravenna OH  44266.   To learn how you can volunteer with Habitat or to sign up for the volunteer orientation, contact the Habitat office at (330) 296-2880 or office@habitatofportage.org


Carry-Out Swiss Steak Dinner

Nov 12

The First Congregational Church, 612 West Broad Street, Newton Falls will be holding a carry-out only Swiss Steak dinner on Saturday November 12th.   Menu includes; Swiss steak, real mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, apple sauce, and a brownie dessert.  Cost is $7.50 per dinner.  Dinners can be picked up between 4:00 – 6:00pm at the church.


Homeownership Info Session

November 13

Habitat for Humanity of Portage County is currently looking for interested individuals and families who would like to fulfill their dream of owning their own home.  Openings for homeownership are available for current building projects.  An informational session about Habitat homeownership will be held on Nov 13th at the Habitat Office Conference Room located at 6630 Cleveland Road in Ravenna Township. The session will begin promptly at 2 PM.  Families are chosen without respect to age, gender, sexual preference, disability, race, religion or national origin. Persons interested in attending the November orientation are encouraged to call the Habitat Office at 330-296-2880 or email at office@habitatofportage.org to advise the staff that they are coming to the orientation session.


St. Joseph’s Garden Club Boutique

Nov 13

St. Jospeh’s Garden Club is holding their 27th Annual Christmas Boutique on November 13 from 9:30 am – 4 pm at the St. Josephs Church (Hughes Hall) 11045 St Joseph Blvd., Mantua.  Handmade arts, crafts, needlework.  Door prizes; Food available all day. Free admission – ample parking.


Geauga County Veterans Service

Nov 13

There will be a Geauga County Veterans Service at the Atwood-Mauck Post 459 of the American Legion on Nov 13th.  Evelyn Sui (US Navy Retiree) will be the speaker.  Speaker time will be from 2-4 pm.  Post 459  will present the colors.


ABC Club Basket Raffle

Nov 14 & 15 

Please join the Newton Falls Elementary School ABC Club for our Basket Raffle being held on November 14th and 15th from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm each evening.  The ABC Club will be selling raffle tickets for 12 themed baskets.  Tickets will be sold at the event and are $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00.  Basket winners will be drawn on November 15th at 6:45 pm.  Winners do not need to be present to win.  Please come to support the Newton Falls ABC Club!  The raffle will be held at the Elementary School located at 909 Milton Boulevard in Newton Falls during Parent/Teacher Conferences.


Shoebox Collection Week

Nov 14-21

Shoebox Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child at New Mercies Community Church, 12767 Butternut Road, Burton is November 14 – 21, 2011. For hours, please visit www.newmercieschurch.org or call (440) 834-8386.  Other Upcoming Events: Nov 12 – Craft & Bake Sale, 9 am – 4 pm; Dec 3 – Chinese Auction, Doors open at 3 pm,  Auction at 5 pm.


Beat the Black Friday Rush … Come Shopping with Us!

Nov 17

The James A. Garfield Girls’ Basketball program along with the Garfield Athletic Boosters will be hosting a One “Shot” Shopping experience November 17, 2011 from 3:30-7:00 in the James A. Garfield Middle School.  Come to Room 29 to find direct sales representatives from Scentsy, Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple, Avon, and Thirty-One.  All proceeds benefit the middle school and high school girls’ basketball teams.  All items should be in for Christmas.  There will also be a raffle, snacks, and a chance to book your holiday massage with our local masseuse, Kym Kirk!  Come join the fun!  Any questions? Call or email Kathleen Gilbert, 330-527-2151, kgilbert@mail.garfield.sparcc.org.


Shhh! A Comedy / Farce

Nov 18 & 19

James A. Garfield Drama department presents Shhh! A Comedy/Farce by D.M. King will be presented in the Iva Walker Auditorium on Nov 18 & 19 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the door — Adults $6; Students & seniors $3.


Curtains up Theatre’s Comedy Night

Nov 19

Once again The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre will be hosting a Comedy Night on Saturday, November 19th at 7 pm. at Slim ‘n’ Jumbos. Guests will be entertained with a variety of Amateur Comedians. Watch for more details to come. Mark your calendars now.


The Nature of Downtown Warren

Nov 20

Discover the majesty of the amazingly large trees lining the Mahoning River in Perkins Park, downtown Warren. The old growth trees attract a variety of wildlife and soften the effect of the urban landscape. Gardens and restored historic buildings add to the ambiance of the area. 1:00-3:00pm. Directions provided upon registration: 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Sponsored by Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (fee required).


Thanksgiving Dinner

Nov 24

Windham Community Thanksgiving Dinner, Thursday, Nov. 24th, 2011: 9 am-3 pm EVENTS: 9 am Big Screen Macy’s Parade  9:30 am Flag Football Game  11 am Turkey Bowl 12 pm Free Thanksgiving Dinner 12-3 pm Big Screen Football Game at the Renaissance Family Center Call for Reservations 330-326-3003



Santa’s Collection Craft Show

Nov 26

Climb the stairs to a wonderland of holiday excitement on Nov 26th from 9 am – 3 pm. Located at the Burton American Legion Post 459 on Goodwin Street.  Area crafters, unique gifts and toys.  Free admission to the craft show.  For table info call Carol at 440.834.4532.


Breakfast With Santa

Nov 26 & 27

The Burton American Legion Auxiliary Post 459 located on Goodwin Street in Burton will be hosting Breakfast with Santa on Nov 26th and 27th from 9 am – 1 pm.  Admission is $6 Adults; $3 children age 6-12 and Free for kids under 5.


Holiday Swag

Dec 3

Make a holiday evergreen swag to grace your door and create a warm welcoming entrance.  If you’ve previously worked with Master Gardener Phyllis Mihalik you know you can expect a fun morning and come away with a lovely decoration.   Bring a friend or family member and create warm memories.  We’ll provide all the supplies and light refreshments.   $30 fee.  Space is limited – Class is Dec 3rd.  Please register and prepay early.  Call 440-834-4656 to register.  Send check payable to OSU Extension, PO Box 387, Burton, Ohio  44021.  Class will be held at the Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center (on the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road, Burton.  View a list of MG class offerings:  http://geauga.osu.edu/


Breakfast With Santa

Dec 10

The United Methodist Church of Windham and RFC are teaming together for Breakfast with Santa Dec. 10th at 9 a.m. You can get a picture with Santa, do a craft and more. Location: 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham.  Please RSVP if possible.


Cardinairs Christmas Concert

Dec 13

The Annual Cardinaires Christmas Concert and Luncheon Buffet will be held on December 13th, 2011 at 12:00 noon at Grandview Restaurant, 13404 Old State Road, Middlefield.  Tickets are $20 each, and include the Cardinaires performance and buffet luncheon of Chicken Marsala, potatoes, vegetable, beverage and dessert.  This is a beautiful way to start the Christmas Season.  You can call in to save your place in the audience at 440-632-5705, leave your name, phone number and how many are in your party.  You may send checks made to Middlefield Chamber of Commerce, to P.O.Box 801, Middlefield, Ohio 44062 – $20 each person.  Any proceeds from this concert will go toward the Middlefield Chamber Scholarship Fund and a donation will also be given to the Cardinaires.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography