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Scholarship Applications Being AcceptedApply NowChiropractic Center of Garrettsville is happy to announce that they will be offering a scholarship to senior athletes at James A Garfield High School for the fourth year. The scholarship will be for $725. It may be used as the student needs. Applications are available at the Chiropractic Office or through the school counselor.
Ravenna Summerfest Vendors & Crafters NeededRegister NowThe Ravenna Summerfest is June 18th from 10 am – 4 pm. We are currently looking for vendors and crafters to add to the days activities and car show.  Please contact Barb @ 330-2974-6684; Becky @ 330-296-1233 or Susie @ 330-296-3779
Produce Vendors NeededRegister NowThe Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre is planning their 2011 Farmers Market. They are currently looking for PRODUCE vendors.  Please contact Jackie Loreta-Rinearson at 216-375-0709 or email her at rinearson05@frontier.com. The market will be held Wednesdays from late July through early October.
Garrettsville’s 18th Annual Community Yard Sale RegistrationThrough May 16Get your treasure put on the  Yard Sale map! Registration for the community yard sale is DUE by May 16th.  Registration fee is $10 and includes advertising, signs and maps. The yard sale will be held May 21 & 22 and is sponsored by the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce.  Permits are also available to those who would like to set-up at Freedom Park or in the parking lot at Sky Lanes.  For more info please call 330-527-5222
Seeking Artisans!Register NowThe DMRC’s 3rd Annual Art on the Hill is seeking artisans for their day-long event which will take place on July 9, 2011 in Mantua. Artisans will line both sides of Prospect Street selling and displaying their handmade works of art. Booth fee is $45. There will also be continuous live entertainment, a Chinese auction, foods and much more! For more information call Christine at 330-414-6486 or download an application at mantuashalersvillechamber.com
Senior CombineRegister By June 10The 2011 Hiram College Senior Combine is for athletes who are entering the 12th grade as of the fall of 2011. Our Senior Com¬bine is a two day camp held on June 24 & 25 and is designed to inform you on Hiram’s academic programs, campus living, football program and the camp will include individual skill and technique drills along with a combine (40 yard dash, bench press, broad jump, pro-shuttle). The overnight camper registration deadline is June 10th, 2011. There is open enrollment for day campers. To register online: https://hiram.wufoo.com/forms/senior-combine-registration/ To register by mail: send camp form and cash/check/money order to: Hiram College Athletics, P.O. Box 1777, Hiram, OH 44234
Freedom Township Brush Pick up1st Monday of MonthFreedom Township will be doing their monthly brush pickup the first Monday of the month. Residents must call 330-527-4094 or 330 527-7414 prior to 8 am Monday morning to arrange for pickup.  Twigs, branches and brush (no garbage) will be picked up curbside.
Fire Dept Chicken DinnerMay 6The Parkman Fire and Rescue Association in conjunction with local Amish schools proudly announce their  Chicken Dinner on May 6th serving 5 to 8 p.m. at the Community House in Parkman. Tickets are Pre-Sale ONLY.  Adults $14; Children 12 and under $7. Make checks payable to: Parkman Fire and Rescue. Send check or money order to: Joan Dillon, 12709 Nelson Ledge Rd, Garrettsville, OH 44231. Tickets can be mailed to you (include SASE) or held at the door. Questions? Call Chuck or Joan at 440-548-7541.
American Poetry In SongMay 6Please join us for a free concert on Friday, May 6th, 7:30 pm. At the Hiram College Hayden Auditorium. “Ascending the Abyss to Eternity: American Poetry in Song”?Settings of poetry by Sara Teasdale and Walt Whitman?by composers/performers Dawn Sonntag, soprano and Jonathon Kolm, piano?with Willard P. Greenwood II, Associate Professor of English, Hiram College. ?There will be a post-concert discussion with the artists.
Rummage & Bake SaleMay 6 & 7The Nelson United Methodis Church will be having their annual spring rummage and bake sale on May 6 from 9 am – 5 pm and May 7th from 9 am to Noon.  The church is located at 9367 SR 305 on Nelson Circle.  We will be having bag day all day on clothing;  if you have any questions please feel free to call the church at 330 527-2268.
Windham Lions Sausage Sandwich SaleMay 6 & 7The Windham Lions will hold their next sandwich sale of 2011 in the Sparkle Market parking lot in Windham, May 6th and 7th.  As always the menu consists of Italian sausage or steak sandwiches and soft drinks. Sandwiches are  only $ 4.00 They are hot, juicy and fresh off the grill. Hours are 9am to 7pm on Friday, 9am to 2pm on Saturday. All profits will be used for sight related causes and local community needs. Please stop by and support the dedicated, hard working Windham Lions.
G-MEN Baseball Flower SaleMay 7The Garfield HS Baseball Team will be holding its annual Plant/Flower Sale on Saturday May 7th from 9am to 5pm. We will be located in Rite Aid parking lot. Hanging baskets, petunias, impatiens, geraniums, vegetable plants and several other varieties provided by Pochedly’s Greenhouse. Sponsored by J.A. Garfield All Sports Boosters.
“Footprints From Cincinnati Home”May 7Newton Falls’ resident and runner, Arthur Dunn will speak about his new book, Footprints From Cincinnati Home on Saturday, May 7 at 1 pm  The book tells of the 71 year-old’s healing journey after the death of his wife of forty-nine years to pancreatic cancer. He resolved to confront his sense of loss with a journey through the heartland of Ohio. Free tickets can be picked up at the Newton Falls Library’s circulation desk.
Field FiestaMay 7A Day of Fun Childhood Games will be held on Saturday, May 7th from 2pm-4pm at the Hiram College Kennedy Center. All elementary school aged children are welcome to attend! Please bring a non-perishable food item to be donated to 4Cs food pantry of Mantua
Newton Falls Elementary School Spring CarnivalMay 7Bring the whole family for Food. Games, and Prizes on  Saturday, May 7 from 2pm-5 pm. There will be a 50/50 drawing and a Chinese Auction.  The auction will have baskets and gift certificates for all.  Location:  Newton Falls Elementary School, 909 1?2 Milton Blvd., Newton Falls OH 44444
Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for Sheila GibsonMay 7Sheila was a cook at Cal’s for many years. She was a past madame president, honorary mother and member of the  at the Garrettsville Eagles for many years also. We are having a benefit dinner. $8.00 a person on Saturday, May 7th from 4-8 at the Eagles Club for Sheila. We are accepting donations for a Chinese Auction. For more information, please contact Teresa at 330-647-8643.
Spring Drive-It-Yourself TourMay 7Geauga County Tourism’s Annual Spring Drive-it-Yourself Tour, Saturday, May 7. Participants can get a list of all of the stops, their activities and a map, by calling the Geauga County Tourism Office 440-632-1538 or 800-775-TOUR, online at www.TourGeauga.com or at any of the participating members
Parents Without Partners “Birthday Dance”May 7In celebration of the chapter’s 37th year, Portage County Chapter #600 members invite non-members, former members and alumni to join them for their “Birthday Party” dance theme on May 7 from 7:30 – 11:30 pm at Kent VFW Post #3703, 500 VFW Parkway.
Entertaiment Is An ArtMay 7Trumbull Art Gallery and the Upton House are sponsoring a table-setting competition, complete with a sidewalk floral sale and refreshments, on  May 7th, from 11:00 to 4:00 PM.  The gift shop, with its many unique items will also be open.  The entry fee for the contest is $15.  Admission fee to see the show is also $15 (if you are not entering the contest).  The 1st place winner receives $100; 2nd place prize is $50; 3rd place is $25. For more information, or to enter the competition, please contact TAG at 330-395-4876.
Run For Hope 5K & 1 Mile Walk / RunMay 7New Hope Christian Fellowship, 11051 E. Washington St.  Auburn, OH  44023, will be sponsoring a Run For Hope on Saturday, May 7th 8:30 am (1 mile start) 9:00 (5K start).  Awards, Food & Refreshments, Games, Music. T-shirts to all pre-registered participants. All proceeds to benefit New Beginnings International Training Center in Jamaica. For more details and to register visit www.hmapromotions.net or call 440-476-9951.
NF Soccer Sign upsMay 7, 14 & 21NFYSL sign ups will be Saturdays May 7, 14, 21 at the community center stone pavilion from 11-1. Sign up forms will be available at the following locations:  Family Video, Positive Images, and Newton Falls Public Library and can be mailed to NFYSL, PO Box 305, Newton Falls OH 44444. The cut off date for mail-ins is May 28. There will be no exceptions. There will be no  online signups this  year but forms are available to print at www.nfysl44444.org
Mothers Day BuffetMay 8Garrettsville Eagles, # 2705, 8149 Water Street will be hosting a Mothers Day Breakfast Buffet on May 8th, 2011, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.  ALL MOTHERS EAT FREE!Under 5 free, 5-12  $3.00,  12 & over $6.00 Open to public
Pricetown SupperMay 11The next home cooked supper at Pricetown Methodist Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd, Newton Falls, will feature: Individual Chicken pot pie, mashed potatoes & gravy, fresh roll, salad, homemade dessert and beverage. This will be held from 5 to 6:30pm, Wednesday, May 11. Cost $7.00 for adults, $3.00 for children  6 to 12 years and free for children 5 years and younger. Carryouts will be available. This will be the last supper until September.
All County Chambers Business After HoursMay 11Meet the Geauga County area business owners and find out what products and services we offer. Join us at Morningstar Church on SR 44 (just south of US 322) on Wednesday May 11th from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Free admission – open to the public
Mayfield United Methodist Church Rummage SaleMay 12-14The spring rummage sale, including a bake sale, will take place on May 12 from 9 am – 4:30 pm; May 13 9 am – 7:30 pm; and May 14 (Bag Day) 9 am – Noon, at the Mayfield United Methodist Church, 7747 Mayfield Rd., Chesterland (corner of Caves and Mayfield).
Attracting Birds and Butterflies To Your Garden  May 12Join Master Gardener, Paula Palaima, to learn how attracting birds and butterflies to your garden is an important beginning to protecting the larger ecosystem.   You will take home ideas for designing a bird and butterfly haven which will bring color, motion, sweet melody and hours of entertainment to your backyard.  $15 fee.  Class runs from 11 am – Noon.  Light refreshments and handouts included.  Call 440-834-4656 to register.   Class will be held at the Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center (on the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road, Burton.  View a list of MG class offerings:  http://geauga.osu.edu/
Roy Pancost & FriendsMay 12For music lovers everywhere…Roy Pancost and Friends are playing at “The Pines” at Brooks House Assisted Living Community. . . and you’re invited!  The band will present an hour of music on Thursday, May 12th at 7 pm. Refreshments will be served, and it’s free!  Brooks House is located at 18122 Claridon-Troy Rd. (SR 700), Hiram, Ohio.  We’re about 5 miles north of Hiram, or about 1 mile south of SR 422 (in Troy Township.) Come join us! Put a spring in your step and a smile on your face! Questions?  Call Christine at (440)834-0260, ext. 4.
Grassroots Community Gardeners Plant SaleMay 13 & 14The Grassroots Community Gardeners will be holding their 8th annual plant sale on May 13th from 10 am – 5 pm and May 14th from 10 am – 2 pm at the Nelson Community House located on the Circle. Perennial, Annuals, Herbs & more will be available starting at $1.
Grooming & Showmanship ClinicMay 14Attention Donkey & Mule Owners: finally clinics designed exclusively for longears Grooming & Showmanship Clinic to be held on  May 14,2011 in Montville.Minimal Fees, for more details contact: 440-729-0347 or hdncrkqh@windstream.net Supported by the Donkey & Mule Association of the Western Reserve (DMAofWR) www.donkeyandmuleassociation.com
Scotch Doubles For RFCMay 14Tickets are available for a scotch doubles being held at Sky Lanes on May 14th. Tickets are $30 per couple and include 3 games of bowling, shoe rental, pizza, pop. Chinese Auction. There is a free drawing for 5 Scotch Doubles tickets at RFC.
Let’s Go Fly A KiteMay 14Kids ages 5-12 can build, decorate and fly a kite on May 14th from 10 am – Noon. Cost is $2. Program will be held at Renessaince Family Center.
Vendors Wanted For Community Garage SaleRegister for May 14Vendors are wanted for a community garage sale being held on May 14th at the American Legion Hall located in Burton.  For more information please call Mike Karlinsky at 440 286-1202.
American Legion Post 459 Community Garage Sale May 14The American Legion Post 459 located on Goodwin Street will be holding a community garage sale on May 14th from 8 am – 1 pm. Set-up time is 7:30 am. For more information please contact Mike at 440-286-1202
“Something Old Is New Again”May 14Wishing you could do something with all the rain we’ve been having? Attend Rain Barrels – “Something old is new again” presented by the Trumbull Soil and Water Conservation District on Saturday, May 14, 1 pm at the Newton Falls library. Learn how easy it is to recycle the rain, go green and save green!
Garrettsville Youth Football Signups May 14 & 21Sign up for the Garrettsville Youth Football program will be held on May 14th and 21st  from 10-12 at the Village Park. Children ages  6-12 not turning 13 by August 1 are eligible. Cost is $85 per child.  If your child did not play last year we will need a copy of their birth certificateFor information please call Teresa: 330-647-8643
Re-Creation To PerformMay 15Re-Creation, a group of dynamic young people who present both religious and family-oriented music will be performing at the Windham United Methodist Church  on N. Main Street at 7 p.m.  on May 15th. All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti DinnerMay 15K of C Council #3350 is having an All-You-Can-Eat spaghetti dinner on Sunday, May15th, 2011 at Saint Mary’s social hall (120 Maple Dr. Newton Falls)  from Noon  to 3 pm.Dinner includes: Spaghetti, meatballs, italian bread, salad, coffee or punch, and dessert. Carry outs available. Adults:$6.50; Children:$3.00(6-11); Children:Free (5 & under); For any additional information please contact: Jim Burns (330)-883-0575, Tom Fetock (330)-872- 5886, Matt Stimac (330)-872-7865
Republican Women’s Club MeetingMay 16You and your guests are invited to the monthly meeting of the Portage County Republican Women’s Club on Monday, May 16, 2011 from 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. at Cal’s Restaurant & Pizza Express, 8301 Windham Street, Garrettsville, OH 44231. Guest Speaker will be Matthew Slater from Kent Freedom House. If you have any questions please contact Jeneen at 330 687-4067.
Flag Retirement CeremonyMay 19Cub Scout Pack 62 of Garrettsville will be collecting worn and damaged U.S flags for their flag retirement ceremony on May 19th.  If you have a flag that needs to be retired, please contact Dave or Chris Schaefer at 330-274-0572.
Newton Falls Kiwanis Geranium SaleMay 20The Newton Falls Kiwanis Club will hold its annual Geranium Sale on May 20 at the Family Video parking lot located at 175 E. Broad Street. The price for a potted geranium is $3.40.  If you have questions or wish to pre-order, call Tom Palmer, 330 872-1617 Monday – Thursday, 9 – 5. NFalls Plant ExchangeMay 21Join us on May 21 from 9 am til noon at the Jaycee Pavillion on Center Street in Newton Falls Park for FREE PLANTS!  It’s easy to participate, just bring at least 6 perennial plants to trade with other gardeners, more plants are always welcome.  Fancy pots not required, any old box or bag will do. This year there will be garden-related vendors in addition to good company and great conversation! Call Kris at 330-883-3206 or Susan at 330-872-7819 for details and questions.
Live ComediansMay 21Live comedians will appear on Saturday, May 21 at 7:00 – 9:00 at the Garrettsville’s Eagles Club on Water Street. Buy your advance tickets for $5.00 or at the door  for $10.00. Limited seating. Call Jackie@ 216-375-0709 for your tickets. Amateur comedians wishing to participate for the $200.00 prize contact Jackie for entry instructions.
Library SproutsMay 21Library Sprouts Planting Day for ages 6 – 12 years will be on Saturday, May 21 at 9:30 am. Help Miss Chrissy plant seeds and plants in our library garden. Don’t miss the chance to grow your food from start to finish. Register starting May 1 at the Newton Falls Library. The garden can be enjoyed when the community is invited to the library’s Seed To Table expo on Saturday, June 4 from 1 – 3 pm.  Make a metal row marker and biodegradable plant pot, learn about gardening, taste good food and more.
Garrettsville Area Yard SaleMay 21 & 22Make plans now — mark it on your calendar — the annual Garrettsville Area Yard Sale sponsored by the Garrettsville Area Chamber  will take place on Saturday, May 21 and Sunday, May 22.  Watch the Villager for details.
NF Girls Basketball FundraiserMay 22Amvets in Newton Falls is hosting a Fundraising Breakfast to help support the Newton Falls Girl’s Basketball Team.  Breakfast will be held at Amvets in Newton Falls on May 22nd from  8 am-12 pm. Cost:  $6.00 Adults  $4.00 Kids
Tearing Down The Walls TourMay 22The Cardinal Christian Club will present “Tearing Down the Walls Tour,” on Saturday, May 22nd featuring three national stars of Christian rock: Seventh Day Slumber, Stellar Kart and Kiros. The show will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Cardinal Middle School in Middlefield. Doors open at 5 p.m.. Tickets are $7 in advance and $10 at the door.
Crestwood Youth Football & Cheerleading Sign-upsMay 22Sign-ups for the Crestwood Youth Football League will be held at the Crestwood High School Field House on May 22 from Noon – 4 p.m.  Bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate. Registration fee of $120 due at sign-ups; discounts for multiple children are available. Football players MUST reside in the Crestwood School district. Season starts August 1.  Questions? Call Scott Vyhnal at 330-858-9597 or online at www.leaguelineup.com/cyf-tyfl
M-O-M / T-A-TMay 22Get ready.  It’s coming.  Machine-O-Mania / Touch-a-Truck will be at J. A. Garfield High School on Sunday, May 22.  The Time Bandit and its crew will be there–have your picture taken!  Emergency vehicles, big rigs, all of the bells, whistles, sirens, ladders and apparatus a kid could want to see…or hear. Make your plans now to be there…with bells on, if you like. Sponsored by the Garfield Academic Challenge/ Quiz Masters team
Personal Finance at the LibraryMay 25Bruce & Susan Bennett are presenting the program “Personal Finance at the Library” on Wednesday, May 25th at 7:00 p.m. at Chardon Library, 110 East Park Street, on-the-square in Chardon. In their presentation Bruce and Susan compare the methods of several well-known authors such as Dave Ramsey, Suze Orman and David Bach.  The Bennetts will give you the pros and cons of each method so you can determine the one that will work best for you and your family. Call the library at 440-285-7601 and ask for the Reference Desk to reserve your seat for this dynamic presentation.  This program is free and open to the public.
Garfield PTO Rummage SaleMay 28The Garfield PTO Rummage Sale has moved to the INTERMEDIATE School located at 8233 Park Avenue, Garrettsville. The sale will take place Sat., May 28th from 9 am to 3 pm.  Donations can be dropped off at the Event door of the INTERMEDIATE School, Sun, May 22 from 3-7; Tues, May 24 from 3 – 6; Thurs, May 26 from 3 – 6 and Fri, May 27, from 3 to 9.  Please call Heather Huter, 440-548-5930 with questions.
Burton Memorial Day ServiceMay 30American Legion Post 459  invites the public to attend a Memorial Day Service on May 30th beginning at 11 am on the Burton Square Gazebo.  For additional information contact Newell Beaumier at 440-834-8764
Newton Falls Lady Tiger Basketball CampMay 31 – June 4All girls entering grades 3-8 are invited to attend basketball camp being held at the  Newton Falls High School Gym on May 31st to June 4th. Cost: $40  Make Checks Payable to Newton Falls High School c/o Girls Basketball. For More Information Contact Coach Baker at 330-872-5121     Ext:  7383  Or Email At:   Mark.Baker@neomin.org
Take a Kid Fishing DayJune 4Portage County Take a Kid Fishing at Lake Hodgson is a free day open to Portage County boys and girls accompanied by an adult. Participants 16 years and younger are eligible for door prizes. There will be a hot dog roast after the event. Participants need to bring a fishing pole, bait and tackle. Pre-registration is required and the deadline is May 2nd, or the first 200 parent/child teams registered. The fishing day will take place on June 4th from 7am-noon. To register call (330) 296-2864 weekdays.
Little Tigers Golf ScrambleJune 4The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be hosting a 4-man scramble golf outing on June 4, 2011 at the Olde Dutch Mill Golf Course. There will be an 8:00 a.m. shotgun with registration starting at 7:00. The price is $65.00 per person and will include golf, golf cart, three meals, and beverages. There will be prizes on every hole, 50/50 raffle, skins, and poker chipping.  To sign up please contact Ron Wilcox @ 330-872-7027 or Heather Lindsey at the Olde Dutch Mill Golf Course @ 330-654-4100.
Garfield Class of 1976 ReunionJune 4The Garfield Class of 1976 35th reunion has been scheduled for Saturday, June 4.  We’re still working on the details (like where it will be) but we would like to contact as many Class of 76 members as we can.  So if you graduated in 1976 or if you know someone who did, please get us contact information!  You can e-mail Gwynne (Laning) D’Amico at gal31658@aol.com or call Barb (Wensel) Deakins at (440) 548-5082 or join the “Garfield Class of 1976” on Facebook.
Little Tigers Golf OutingJune 4The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be hosting their 2nd annual golf outing scramble at the Olde Dutch Mill Golf course on June 4th. The outing will be an 8:00 shot gun start with registration starting at 7:00 a.m..The first 144 golfers will be accepted.The price is $65.00 per person and will include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and beverages. There will also be 50/50, poker chipping, and raffles. For information or to donate please  contact Ron Wilcox @ 330-872-7027 or Heather Lyndsey at the Olde Dutch Mill @ 330-654-4100.
Hiram College Terrier Youth Football CampJune 13-15Hiram College Football is having a youth football camp kids going into 3rd grade thru 8th grade on June 13-15.  The camp will take place on the campus of Hiram College beginning at 9 am and ending at 3 pm.   Activities include agilities, skill development, competitions and instruction from Hiram College coaches and players.  More information can be found at www.hiram.edu in the athletics/football section or by calling 330-569-5446.
Ravenna SummerfestJune 18Mark your calendar and make plans now to attend the Ravenna Summerfest on June 18th. Car show, food vendors, entertainment on courthouse lawn. Steve Cipriano will DJ
Ravenna Parks & Rec Safety TownJune 20 – 24Register early for Ravenna Parks and Recreation’s Safety Town, co-sponsored by the Rotary Club.  Children entering kindergarten in the fall of 2011 will be introduced to safety awareness in a week-long program, June 20 to June 24, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Willyard School.  Participants will learn safety procedures and simulated situations related to traffic, pedestrian, water, weather, animal, fire, stranger, drugs & poisons, playground, gun and bicycle safety.  Fee for Ravenna city taxpayers (live or work in Ravenna city)  is $35 or $40 for Non-city taxpayers.  Deadline to register is June 3. A form must be filled out in person for registration at the Parks and Recreation Department, 530 N. Freedom, 8 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4:15 p.m., for further information contact 296-2864.
Art On The HillJuly 9The DMRC (Downtown Mantua Revitalization Corporation), a 501(c)(3) organization will be hosting their 3nd Annual “Art on the Hill” event on Saturday, July 9, 2011 from 10AM-5PM. Artisan booth spaces are available for $45. We close Prospect Street for the day and line both sides of the street with artisans. Last year we had over 60 artisans with most reporting meeting or exceeding their sales expectation for the day! There is also a great variety of live entertainment all day long, a Chinese Auction, food vendors and much more! Applications are available online at mantuashalersvillechamber.com or by calling 330-414-6486.
2nd Annual Renaissance Car and Bike ShowAugust 27The Renaissance Family Center will be hosting their 2nd Annual Car and Bike Show.  If you are interested in participating, send your name, telephone number or email to Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham, Oh 44288.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography