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We’re All Invited


Summerfest Wedding
Deadline April 29
The Summerfest committee accepting entries for couples who would like to get married or renew their vows at Summerfest 2011. Send your story on why you would like to be Summerfest’s First Couple to: Summerfest’s First Couple, c/o Weekly Villager, PO Box 331, Garrettsville, OH 44231 or enter online at www.weeklyvillager.com (type Summerfest Wedding in search) or at www.garrettsvillesummerfest.com. Deadline April 29, 2011.

Scholarship Committee Members Needed
The Mantua-Shalersville Area Chamber of Commerce is looking for people to be a part of the Scholarship Committee for 2011. Dorothy Caldwell, a 2010 committee member, is willing to assist but needs others to help. The committee is responsible for taking the applications to the Crestwood High School and collecting them in April. They will then select two recipients from the submitted applications. If you are interested please contact Dorothy at (330) 274-2152 or Christine at (330) 414-6486.

Pet Foster Homes Needed
Rose’s Rescue, a 501C3 non-profit pet rescue, is in need of loving foster homes. The rescue will pay for food and veterinary care, you just supply the love. The more people who open their homes to foster a pet, the more pets we can save. If you are interested in becoming a short-term foster pet parent please call (330) 850-7042 or visit www.rosesrescue.net to fill out an application.

Story Time
The Garrettsville Dairy Queen invites you to bring your children or grandchildren to story time by the fireplace while enjoying a free cup of hot chocolate. Every Tuesday at 7pm children will enjoy a new story.

Volunteers Needed
The Township of Troy will celebrate its bicentennial by reviving the Troy Homecoming Days on Aug 20 & 21. If you are interested in helping or have ideas please attend the meetings on  Feb 24, March 24 and April 28 at the Troy Community House at 7pm. If you are unable to attend but would like to help or have ideas, call Jerry at (440) 834-4774.

Open Registration
SS Mary & Joseph School in Newton Falls will have open registration for the 2011-12 school year for pre-school through 8th grade. Registration materials are available at the school office from 9am-2pm Mon-Fri or call (330) 872-7676.

Bread & Soup Meal
Join in a Hiram tradition that has been going on since 1982 by attending a bread and soup dinner at Hiram College. The meal will be held every Thursday from 5-7pm at the Kennedy Center. Cost is $5 for students (or a student meal swipe) and $1 goes to a local charity that works to alleviate hunger in the community. For more information email Yurcichel@hiram.edu.

Senior Bingo Cancelled
There will be no senior bingo for Feb. Bingo will resume again on March 14th from 5-7pm at the Newton Falls Community Center.

Spay & Neuter Program
Geauga Humane Society’s Fix It in the Farmland low cost spay and neuter clinics will be held once or twice a month in 2011 for low income and Amish residents of Geauga County. The cost is $10 per animal. For more information and find out if you qualify, call Barb at (440) 338-4819 ext. 21 and follow the prompts. Call today as clinics fill quickly.

Swim Lessons
Children 5 and over can learn to swim with the Hiram College Water Dogs on Sunday afternoons, Feb 13, 20 & 27 and March 13 & 20. The cost is $50 for all five lessons. Sign-ups will be held on Sunday, Feb 6th from 2:30-5:30pm at the Hiram College Pool or register online at www.hiram.edu/athletics/menssports/swim/lessons.html. For more information call Jack at (330) 569-5343.

J.C. Café Special
Feb 11-28
SJM/J.C. Café, 9445 1?2 Annette Drive in Windham behind the hardware store, is offering two large pepperoni pizzas for only $10. They are open for lunch on Fridays from 11am-8pm. The dinner special for Feb 11th is meat loaf, mashed potatoes and sides. A free sweet for your Valentine sweetie. Eat-in or take out. (330) 326-2024.

Eagles Fish Dinner
Feb 11
The Garrettsville Eagles Club will host a fish dinner on Friday, Feb 11th from 4-8pm. These dinners are open to the public. During Lent, March 11th through April 22nd, fish dinners will be served every Friday from 4-8pm.

Spaghetti Dinner
Feb 11
The Berkshire Marching Band will host a spaghetti dinner and Chinese auction on Feb 11th from 4:30-7:30pm. Pre-sale tickets are $7/adults ($8 at the door) and $4/children 12 and under ($5 at the door). Chinese auction tickets are $1/each, 6 for $5 or 15 for $10; winner need not be present. Pre-sale tickets can be purchased through a band member.

Grand Marshal Nominations
Feb 11
The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair will accept nominations for the 2011 Grand Marshal. If you would like to nominate a community-minded Ravenna resident who has had a positive impact in the community please send to Ravenna Balloon A-Fair, Attention: Parade Committee, PO Box 454, Ravenna, OH 44266. Deadline for nominations is Feb 11th.

Winter Sky
Feb 11
The Geauga Park District presents Winter Astronomy and Fireside Songs and Stories on Feb 11th from 7-9pm at The Rookery, Great Blue Heron Lodge, 10110 Cedar Road in Munson Township. Bring the whole family to enjoy this time in the inflatable star dome in the lodge. For more information call (440) 286-9516 or visit http://geaugaparkdistrict.org.

Co-Ed Summer Softball
Feb 11 & 14
Ravenna Parks and Rec will offer adult co-ed softball on Friday nights and Sunday afternoons. The cost is $425/per team. Registration for last year’s team until Feb. 11th and new teams accepted beginning Feb. 14th. Games will be played at Havre’s and City Park and begin in May. For more information call (330) 296-2864 or stop in at 530 North Freedom St., weekdays 8-12 and 1-4:15 p.m. Also available are Men’s Summer Sunday morning doubleheaders. Call for more information.

The Miracle Worker
Feb 11 – 17
The Geauga Lyric Theater will present “The Miracle Worker”  Feb 11th through Feb 27th. Tickets are $15/adults and $13/students and senior. The theater is located at 101 Water Street in Chardon. For more information, or to purchase tickets, call (440) 286-2255 or visit www.geaugatheater.org.

Dance in Burton
Feb 12
The American Legion Post 459, 14052 Goodwin St. in Burton, invites you to come dance to the music of Switch on Feb 12th from 7-10pm. The cost is $10/person. Refreshments will be available.

Valentine Open House
Feb 12
Looking for love? Come to the Animal Welfare’s Valentine Open House on Saturday, Feb 12th from noon-6pm. 545 Brunstetter SW, Lordstown. (330) 394-4122.

Jay Yontz Celebration
Feb 12
There will be a Welcome Home Celebration for Jay Yontz on Saturday, Feb 12th from 3-7pm at the First Church of God, 9016 N. Main Street in Windham. Jay served in the Marines and also the U.S. Army. He served two tours of duty in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Arin and Jay invited you to come share in this time of celebration. For directions or more information call (330) 326-2293.

Feb 12
“Fracking” has become a hot topic of controversy in Ohio. You can follow filmmaker Josh Fox’s personal cross-country odyssey to understand what hydraulic fracturing is, uncovering a trail of secrets, lies and contamination along the way. A free screening of the 2011 Academy Award-Nominated Feature Documentary Film “Gasland” will be shown on Feb 12th at 1pm at The Canton Palace Theater, 605 Market Avenue North, Canton. Following the film, environmental groups, elected officials and representatives from the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources have been invited to stay to provide information and answer questions. Doors will open at noon and film begins at 1pm.

NF Youth Softball & Baseball
Feb 12 & 19
Sign-ups for Newton Falls youth softball and baseball leagues will be held at the Newton Falls Community Center, 52 E. Quarry, on Feb 12 & 19 from 10am-1pm. Boys and girls must be ages 5-14 by 5/31/11. All new players must bring a copy of their birth certificate.

50s & 60s Dance
Feb 12
The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair will host the 50s & 60s Dance on Feb 12th from 7pm to midnight at the VFW Hall on New Milford Road in Ravenna. The cost is a $10 donation and you must be 21 or older to enter. For more information call Linda at (330) 208-7398 or (330) 296-FAIR.

Night at the Races
Feb 12
The Garrettsville Lions Club will host their 2nd annual Night at the Races on Saturday, Feb 12th at Sky Lane Bowling Alley in Garrettsville. Doors will open at 7pm and races begin at 8pm. The cost is $15/person or $25/couple and includes pizza and wings. One dollar 12oz sodas and a cash bar will be offered. The cost to buy & name a horse is $10 in advance and you can sponsor a race for $25. For more information call Paul at (216) 533-0147 or Aaron at (330) 527-9999.

Book Sale
Feb 12
The Friends of the Burton Public Library will hold a book sale in the library basement on Feb 12th from 9am-4pm. Please enter through the white door at the back of the building.

Pancake Breakfast
Feb 13
Treat your Valentine to an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast on Sunday, Feb 13th from 8am-1pm at the Hambden Grange, 9778 Old State Road. The cost is $6/adults and $3/children ages 10 and under.

Steak Fry
Feb 13
The Newton Falls VFW Post 3332 Ladies Auxiliary will host a Steak Fry on Feb 13th from 4-6pm at the Post. Tickets are on sale now for only $12, tickets will be $14 at the door on the day of the event. purchase tickets at the Canteen or Outdoor Men’s Barber Shop. (330) 872-7318.

Scottish American Society
Feb 13
The Scottish American Society will meet on Feb 13th from 3-5pm at the Main Library, Akron-Summit County Public Library, 60 S. High St. in Akron. Any and all are invited to attend our meetings. You do not have to be Scottish, but must have an interest in our Scottish culture. For more information call: Jim or Margaret at: (330) 882-0342, or Gene or Betty at: (330) 499-1681. www.scottishamericansociety.org

2011 Pin Design
Deadline Feb 14
The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair Parade committee will accept entries for the 2011 pin. This year’s theme is Patchwork Skies. Entries are limited to three to four colors. No computerized drawings will be accepted. Deadline to submit entry is Feb 14th. Mail entries to Ravenna Balloon A-Fair, Attention: Parade Committee, PO Box 454, Ravenna, OH 44266. For more information call (330) 296-FAIR.

Kindergarten & New Student Registration
Feb 14 & 15
Newton Falls School System will register students for the 2011-2012 school year on Feb 14 & 15 from 4:30-6:30pm. You do not need an appointment and it is not necessary to bring your child. To be eligible for kindergarten your child must be 5 on or before September 30, 2011. You must bring your child’s legal birth certificate, immunization records, proof of residency and custody papers if applicable. For more information call Mrs. Howard at (330) 872-5225 ext. 2301. Registration will also be held March 21-25 from 9-11am and 1-3pm.

TOPS Open House
Feb 15
All men and women are welcome to the TOPS, Take Off Pounds Sensibly, open house on Feb 15th at 10am at the United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road in Newton Falls. We meet every Tuesday at 8:45am for weigh in and meeting at 10am. For more information call Joan at (330) 872-7441.

Senior Citizens Independence
Feb 16
Senior Citizens Independence will meet on Feb 16th at the Presbyterian Church on Grandview Ave. in Lake Milton at 10am. There will be blood pressure screening, exercise session and a light lunch followed by bingo.

Translation of History
Feb 16
The Middlefield Library, 16167 E. High Street, will host John Gingerich on Wednesday, Feb 16th at 7pm. John recently completed English translation of Ernst Müller’s “Geschichte der Bernischen Täufer,” an important entry in Amish-Mennonite-Anabaptist history. Uncover the history of the Anabaptists of Canton Bern, Switzerland as well as learn about the translation process. To register for this program please call (440) 632-1961.

Health Walks
Feb 16 – March 18
The Crestwood School District is offering free walking at the Intermediate School every Wednesday & Friday from 7-8am beginning Feb 16 and continuing through March 18th. Park near the tennis courts and enter through the truck delivery driveway off Pioneer Trail (the back door to your right).

Windham Hot Stove
Feb 16 & 26
Windham Hot Stove will hold baseball and softball sign-ups on Feb. 16th from 6-8pm and Feb. 26th from 10am-2pm. All sign-ups will take place at the Windham Town Hall. T-Ball (ages 4-5) $40, PeeWee (ages 6-8) $55, ages 9-14 in ABC, HGF $60 and ages 15-18 in D, E, EE $70.

NF Board Meeting
Feb 17
The Newton Falls Exempted Village School Board of Education will hold its Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, Feb 17th at 6pm in the Board Room located in the Jr. High, 907 1?2 Milton Blvd.

Master Gardener Program
Feb 17
The Trumbull County Master Gardeners will host Brad Melzer who will discuss “The Vacant Lot Issue” on Feb 17th from 10am-noon in the meeting room at OSU Agricultural and Family Educational Center, Suite 1, 520 W. Main St., Cortland. The cost is $20. For more information, or to register, call (330) 638-6783. http://trumbull.osu.edu

Herbal Alternatives
Feb 17
Geauga Park District will present ethnobotanist Dr. Beck in a workshop about how herbal alternatives can benefit your pets/livestock. The workshop will be held on Feb 17th from 6:30-8:30pm at the Swine Creek Reservation, 16004 Hayes Road. Registration is required and a fee of $7 will be charged at the door. To register, or for more information, call (440) 286-9516 or visit http://geaugaparkdistrict.org.

Landlord Laws Meeting
Feb 17
Landlords are invited to a meeting of Feb 15th at 7pm at the Newton Falls Community Center. Come learn about the Federal Lead Laws, and State and Local Laws. For more information call (330) 872-7046 or (330) 898-8111.

Spaghetti Dinner Benefit
Feb 19
A spaghetti dinner benefit for Carol Mitchell Johnson will be held on Feb 19th from 4-8pm at the Garrettsville Eagles Club. The cost is $7/adult, $4/ages 6-11, and free for children 5 and under. There will also be a Chinese auction and 50/50 raffles. Proceeds will go to help Bruce with her funeral expenses. If you would like to make a donation, please call Debbie at (330) 389-1859 or Kelly at (330) 569-7142.

Scotch Doubles
Feb 19
The James A. Garfield Dance Team will hold a Scotch Doubles fundraiser on Feb 19th at 9pm at Sky Lane Bowling Alley. The cost is $40/couple. For more information, or to reserve a spot, call S. Makowski at (330) 527-4341 or Sky Lane at (330) 527-9999.

Spaghetti Dinner
Feb 19
The Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road, will host a spaghetti dinner on Feb 19th from 4-6pm. The cost is a free will donation. For more information call the church at (330) 872-1564.

G.E.M.S. Fundraiser
Feb 19
Come join the Garfield Elementary Making a Stand (G.E.M.S.) Relay for Life Team will host a fundraising event at Candlelight Winery on Saturday, Feb. 19th from 7-10pm. The Boys are Back band will provide entertainment. There will also be gift basket raffles, games, lots of fun and great wine! Come out for a fun night while supporting a good cause.

Inside Yard & Bake Sale
Feb 19
An inside yard & bake sale to benefit the Terri Tuttle family will be held on Feb 19th from 9am-5pm at the Nelson Community Center. Please join us for refreshments, Chinese auction, 50/50 and a raffle for $150 meat package from IGA. If you have items you would like to donate for the yard sale or would like more information, please call Diane at (330) 235-4265 or Ashley at (330) 285-4411.

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
Feb 19
The Shalersville Historical Society will host a spaghetti dinner to raise funds for the maintenance of the Historical Society House. Dinner will be held on Feb 19th from 4:30-7pm at the Shalersville Town Hall. The cost is $7/adults, $4/ages 5-10 and free for ages 4 and under. Carryouts will be available.

Backyard Bird Count
Feb 19 & 20
The Geauga Park District will sponsor the 14th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count for all ages at The West Woods. Stop in any time between noon and 4pm on Feb 19th & 20th to participate. To register, or for more information, call (440) 286-9516 or visit http://geaugaparkdistrict.org.

Spaghetti Dinner
Feb 20
The Knights of Columbus Council #3350, 120 Maple Drive in Newton Falls, will host an all you can eat spaghetti dinner on Sunday, Feb 20th from noon to 3pm at Saint Mary’s Social Hall, 120 Maple Drive in Newton Falls. The cost is $6.50/adults, $3/ages 6-11 and free for ages 5 and under. Carryouts will be available. For more information please call Jim (330) 883-0575, Tom (330) 872-5886, or Matt (330) 872-7865.

Discovery Days
Feb 21
Bring the children to experience life on a farm–making ice cream, meeting newborn calves, piglets, and sheep, and more–at Lake Metroparks Farmpark, 8800 Euclid Chardon Road in Kirtland, during the annual Discovery Days. Children participate in hands-on activities and snowshoeing scheduled throughout the day in addition to the regular daily Farmpark daily activities. Discover Days are presented Feb 21st from 9am-5pm. Visit lakemetroparks.com for more information, cost and a schedule of events.

The Dating Game
Feb 25
The Garrettsville Curtains Up Theatre will host The Dating Game on Feb 25th at the J. A. Garfield Elementary School at 7:30pm. Individuals are invited to participate for a chance to win over $100 in gifts for their special date that also includes dinner and a movie (two winners). The cost to participate is $20 or you may come and enjoy the show with a $5 donation. Men ages 50-60, 35-45 and women 35-45 are still needed. To participate call Jackie at (216) 375-0709.

Maple 101 Workshop
Feb 26
The Geauga Park District will host a workshop for beginning and experienced maple sugaring producers wishing to hone their skills. Maple 101 will be held on Saturday, Feb. 26th from 9am-noon at Swine Creek Reservation, Lodge, 16004 Hayes Road. Registrations is required free workshop. Please call the Geauga County OSU Extension at (440) 834-4656.

Bowl for Kids’ Sake
Feb 26
Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County will hold the 29th annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake on Saturday, Feb 26th at Kent Lanes. Teams of five bowlers are needed, $50/bowler. Each bowler will receive free bowling, shoe rental, pizza, pop and t-shirt. Door prizes and 50/50 held throughout the event. Call (330) 296-6655 for more information.

2nd Annual Portage County Crushers Texas Hold’em Tournament
Feb 26
Presented by Windham American Legion to benefit The Portage County Crushers. Check-In begins @ 4:00pm Tournament Starts @ 5:00pm Sharp! Proceeds from the event benefits the Portage County Crushers – a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for the local 10U Travel Baseball team. Have fun, win money, and support a great cause! Take advantage of early registration – receive chip bonus and reserve your spot! Over 21 only, please! To register, send e-mail to portagecountycrushers@yahoo.com or call Bill @ 330-687-0387.

Scotch Double Bowling
Feb 26
Cardinal Middle School PTO will host a Scotch Doubles Bowling on Feb 26th at Sky Lanes in Garrettsville from 9pm-midnight. Cost is $35/couple and includes 3 games, shoes, pizza, pop and prizes. There will be a 50/50 and a basket raffle. Bring a snack to pass. For reservations call Patty at (440) 632-1541.

The Art & Science of Pruning
Feb 26
Geauga County Master Gardeners Jim Zeitz and Deb Palmisano will demonstrate proper pruning techniques on Feb 26th from 9am-noon at the Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center located on the Burton Fairgrounds, 14269 Claridon-Troy Road in Burton. The registration fee for this workshop is $15. For more information, or to register, call (440) 834-4656. Space is limited, please register at least two days before the workshop.

Hotstove Baseball
Feb 26, March 2 & 5
The Garfield Hotstove Baseball sign-ups will be held on Saturday, Feb. 26th from noon to 2pm at the Garrettsville Village Hall (8213 High Street), Wednesday, March 2nd from 6-8pm at the Garfield Elementary School, and Saturday, March 5th from noon-2pm at the Garrettsville Village Hall. The cost is $50/5-6 years, $60/7-8 years, and $70/9-14 years. If you have any questions please call Phil at (330) 527-2209.

Almeda Trio
Feb 27
The Almeda Trio will perform at Hayden Auditorium at Hiram College on Sunday, Feb 27th at 3pm. Open to the public.

JAG Kindergarten Registration
March 1-3
The James A. Garfield School District is now taking Kindergarten registration information for your child who will turn age 5 before September 30, 2011. Registration will be on Tues, March 1, Weds March 2 and Thurs March 3, 2011.  Call the Elementary School office at 330-527-2184 to schedule an appointment for your child as soon as possible.

3rd Annual Donkey Basketball
March 2
The James A. Garfield All Sports Boosters presents the 3rd Annual Donkey Basketball Game on Wednesday, March 2nd in the High School Gym from 7-9pm. The cost is $6/advance and $10/at the door. For more information call Coach Downing at (330) 527-4341.
Baseball Scotch Doubles
March 5
The G-Men Baseball Scotch Doubles will be held on Saturday, March 5th at 9pm at Sky Lane Bowling Alley in Garrettsville. The cost is $40/couple and includes 3 games, shoes, pizza, beer and pop. There will also be a 50/50 and a Vegas Trip raffle! For reservations contact Beau Norton at (330) 904-4715.

Mantua Soccer Registration
March 6 & 13
The Mantua Soccer Association will hold registration on March 6th & 13th from 12:30-2pm at St. Joseph’s in Mantua. The season begins on April 1st. You can also print out registration forms online and mail them to Mantua Soccer Association, Box 464, Mantua, OH 44255 by March 20th.  www.mantuasoccerohio.com

Cavs Tickets
on sale through March 6
Support the 2011 Garrettsville Summerfest by going to see the Cavs vs. New Orleans on Sunday, March 6th at 6:30pm at the Q in Cleveland. Upper baseline tickets are $35 each. For your tickets call Aaron at (330) 524-2646 or stop by the Sky Lane Bowling Alley.

BioBuddies: Eggs Alive!
March 14, 21 & 28
BioBuddies is a discovery-based program for preschool age children (3-5 years old) and an adult to experience the wonders of the natural world. BioBuddies provides hands-on, developmentally appropriate educational experiences for early learners. The spring session meets March 14, 21 & 28 from 10am-noon. Instruction and supervision is provided by Dr. Roxanne Sorrick, Early Childhood Program Coordinator, and teacher candidates at Hiram College. Cost is $15 per child (multi-child discount of $10 per child). To register, call (330) 569-6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu.

Mattress Fundraiser
March 19
The James A. Garfield Baseball Team will hold the 2nd Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser on Saturday, March 19th in the High School Commons area from 10am-5pm. All sizes and types, delivery available. save 30-60% off retail on brands like Restonic, Southerland and more. Free layaway! Cash, credit cards and checks will be accepted. These are brand new mattresses with factory warranties.

Garrettsville Area Yard Sale
May 21 & 22
Make plans now — mark it on your calendar — the annual Garrettsville Area Yard Sale sponsored by the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce will take place on Saturday, May 21 and Sunday, May 22.  Watch the Villager for details.

Art On The Hill
July 9
The DMRC (Downtown Mantua Revitalization Corporation), a 501(c)(3) organization will be hosting their 3nd Annual “Art on the Hill” event on Saturday, July 9, 2011 from 10AM-5PM. Artisan booth spaces are available for $45. We close Prospect Street for the day and line both sides of the street with artisans. Last year we had over 60 artisans with most reporting meeting or exceeding their sales expectation for the day! There is also a great variety of live entertainment all day long, a Chinese Auction, food vendors and much more! Applications are available online at mantuashalersvillechamber.com or by calling 330-414-6486.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography