Home Geauga County University Hospitals Geauga Medical Center to Host Annual Family Health & Safety...

University Hospitals Geauga Medical Center to Host Annual Family Health & Safety Day and Wellness 5K on June 25


University Hospitals Geauga Medical Center will host the 2016 Family Health & Safety Day on Saturday, June 25 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the hospital’s campus in Claridon Twp. The free community event kicks off with a UH 5K Race for Wellness at 8 a.m.

The Family Health & Safety Day, now in its eighth year, will offer a variety of family-friendly activities, safety tips, wellness screenings and educational materials that support and promote healthy lifestyles for people of all ages. The UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital Safety Squad will host activities that teach children and adults how to have a safe and fun summer. Free children’s bike helmets, with proper fitting, will also be available.

Walk-up health screenings offered at no cost include balance and grip strength; bone density; hearing; cholesterol and glucose blood tests; and stroke risk assessments. Free lower extremity vascular assessments, as well as skin and prostate cancer screenings will also be offered but require pre-registration, by calling 216-767-8435.

The UH 5K for Wellness is $15 pre-registered, and $20 on race day. Online registration is at HMApromotions.net, and closes on June 24 at 9 a.m. The first 300 entrants will receive a t-shirt, and awards will be offered for overall and age group winners. Proceeds from the 5K will benefit UH Seidman Cancer Center.

“Family Health & Safety Day has become a tradition here in Geauga County to celebrate that summer is here,” says M. Steven Jones, President of UH Geauga Medical Center. “Our team looks forward to this event every year, as it gives us an opportunity to spend time in our community doing fun, healthy, and educational activities with our neighbors and friends.”

UH Geauga Medical Center is located at 13207 Ravenna Road, Chardon.


Anton Albert Photography