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Twentieth Century Club News


Garrettsville – The ladies of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville closed their club year with the annual Spring Party, held at Roby Lee’s on April 21.  The planning committee of Patricia Amor, Gay McCoy, Leah Schultz and Pat Fisher arranged for the fine buffet meal and the excellent program which followed.

Members were regaled with musical selections by Michelle McDowell, local(James A. Garfield H.S., K.S.U.)vocalist with a Pat Benatar   tribute band, which has performed in the area, including The House of Blues and Crossroads, on the way to becoming a headliner.  Her program included the keynote song from “The Sound of Music” which defined the year’s programs—“My Favorite Things”.  “We Belong Together” struck a right chord as well.

Following the much-enjoyed program came the closing of the year’s activities with recognition of  long-time members Lucy Galayde (20 years) and Patricia Amor (30 years) and the installation of officers for the next year by the outgoing 2015-2016 officers.  President for the 2016-2017 year will be Karen Miller;  vice president, Nasreen Kitko; secretary, Jane Hill; treasurer, Jane Bell; historian, Patricia Amor.

Departing president, Mary Furillo thanked her officers, Joyce Fashing, Cheri Wolfe, Bonnie Oliver, Carol Torda, Pat Amor, Iva Walker and program chair Karen Ziarko with hand-crafted mementos and thanked the entire club for being part of a successful year.  New president Karen Miller announced her committee persons for the coming year and bid all farewell until the  annual Summer Party, date to be announced.

And so, they move along in the 21st century.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography