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TW3 x 2 (TW3= That Was The Week That Was)


Well, it was another full week for “movers and shakers” all over town. To wit :

Graduation parties…Hiram College, U. of Akron, KSU. All of the big schools turned ‘em out to look for jobs. Jean Marvin snuck in a birthday bash with her graduation party (Master’s in Nursing)
The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on Monday–as they do every third Monday in the Mott Building at the corner of Main and High streets–to (1) deal with old business (an inquiry about participation in the Memorial Day activities, a reading program sponsored by the University of Akron, correspondence from the Ohio Local History Alliance, a letter from the ODNR concerning abandoned mines in the area, a letter from Robert Sawyer in regards to information about Hart Crane), (2) plan for an excursion to the Hudson Historical Society arranged by member Gwen Mayer, the archivist with the Hudson Library, (3)advance arrangements for the Vintage Photo Fun opportunity to be offered during SummerFest, (4) discuss issues–literally–with the Ohio Historical Society microfilm of defunct Garrettsville newspapers, (5) get more details on the up-coming Appraisal Fair, wherein local experts will be offering opinions on items presented by owners interested in gaining more information on family pieces and attic refugees; more to come,(6) cleaning and repairs to the building. (7) miscellaneous–demolition of the building at Paul’s, sign-out for borrowed items, awning for the Bonnet Shop, the Windham bicentennial, placement of the Maple Industry commemorative plaque.
The Rotarians met, as usual on Wednesday
The Red Cross Bloodmobile came to St. Ambrose on Thursday. We do pretty well here, providing a vital service with very little fanfare and excellent co-operation among the sponsoring churches in the area. Everybody takes a turn at signing in donors and bringing in cookies, beverages…even soup, sometimes, when it’s cold, and the Family of St. Ambrose offers its accessible facility for this life-saving work. Community, with a capital CARE..
Friday and Saturday saw the presentation of the dramatic production “The Test” at Garfield H.S., a thought-provoking and often hilarious exposition of the many tests that are a part of life. The answers were not always given and they were not all “true/false”. Excellent production.
Sunday saw the Second Annual Machine-O-Mania / Touch-A-Truck at Garfield High School and the District-wide Spring Band Concert at the same location…full parking lots.
The early weather scared off some but by eleven o’clock, things were looking good and the more intrepid were able to climb all over the big–we’re talkin’ BIG–trucks and other pieces of equipment that had been brought to be on display. Apologies to Praise Assembly of God across from the school. Hope that the sirens and buzzers and other assorted noises didn’t interrupt any prayers or over-ride any music; sermons are seldom affected by such irrelevancies.
Special thanks to all of the businesses and groups who brought their apparatus (or is it apparati?) to be on display and in play for the whole four hours. And to all of the attenders (Tom and Jean Russell come in their truck just to support the cause–Academic Challenge–and to show the flag for antique autos). The Portage County Mobile Command & Communications Center was there with radar weather, DVDs of Emergency Management situations handled, all kinds of cool stuff. The James A. Garfield Transportation Department made a bus available for walk-through. Interstate Towing brought three units–bright, shiny, tough-looking (Could have put my car in their back pocket). Tri County Building Supply sent a cement truck cleaner than usual on the job. The Community EMS, fresh from their parade and open house on the previous Saturday, sent two units and explainers to go with them. Scotchman Electric, with soon-to-be-graduate Sam in charge (The rest were probably working the Boy Scout doughnuts ‘n’ delicacies tent at the Yard Sale) of the high-rise bucket truck, was a fine contribution.. Kepich Ford was represented by a big, boss pickup truck that likely could have hauled my house down the road on a roller skate; it had that kind of muscle. DSI Bulk Transport/ Bonner Farms presented a tanker truck that hadn’t even been used yet–shiny! Our local truck hero, Deral White and his CSX Transport truck –bunk beds, coffeemaker, TV, micro…all the comforts of home…maybe more–were there. The truck competition medal was dangling from the mirror but he didn’t flash his gi-normous ring around, modest fellow that he is. GFN Volunteer Fire Department had two engines on deck and two firefighters as accompaniment. The ladders went up, the compartments opened, the sirens howled–great stuff! The Time Bandit Racing dragster was a big draw for little kids and motor-heads alike. The crew (Thanks, Phyllis) offered pictures in the cockpit–how cool it that? The engine man (Thanks, Jim)blew out the decibels when they fired up the engine and fed it automotive Red Bull–POW! BAM! ROAR! (Sorry, Praise Assembly) The driver (Thanks, Jeff) climbed in and out, gave explanations, greeted grandchildren, was a great proponent of the fun anybody can have when they find an activity and a crew that they can truly get involved with. The whole thing sort of reminds me of a Dr. Seuss book, Oh the Things You’ll Do, the Places You’ll Go! Indeed!
Watch for this next year…bigger and better!
Then it was on to the Band Concert. This was a biggie! Lots o’ bands–5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, High School–plus a recorder ensemble from the Elementary School. Lots o’ people on both sides of the gymnasium, fanning themselves vigorously to move some–warm–air. Lots o’ good music to go around.
There was a patriotic cast to the affair, highlighted by the appearance of a flag unit from the U.S. Air Force Reserve based in Youngstown presenting the colors at the center of the assembly. Moving.
Moving as well was the Sousa favorite, “The Stars and Stripes Forever”…. Go, piccolos!…and the penultimate number, a rendition of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”, combining the high school band, the high school chorus and a community chorus. A wall of sound! Let’s hear it for all of the participants, the listeners…and the organizers of the event, Mr. Fox, Mr. Cebulla, Mr. Gaither. The finale, of course, was the Garfield “Fight Song”
Research has shown that education in the arts boosts academic achievement. Excellent!

Pictured are two young racers who enjoyed the opportunity to climb into the cockpit of The Time Bandit.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography