Home Letters to The Editor To the Garrettsville community:

To the Garrettsville community:


On February 23rd, 2017 I had the distinct pleasure to conduct a school assembly on testing skills to the Middle School and High School in the Garfield School District. After school I also presented to the girls basketball team on developing the mental toughness needed to play high performance basketball. It turned out to be one of the most rewarding days in my experience as a motivational speaker!!

The students in this district were so attentive, polite and well-mannered that I just had to write to let you know what a fantastic job you are doing preparing the youth in your community for success! After my presentation, students came up and asked me very well thought out questions and were quite confident in the way they handled themselves. They were energetic, yet not disruptive and a complete joy to work with. The basketball team and Coach Gilbert were eager to learn and hungry for techniques to improve their performance and it is no wonder they are having such a successful campaign.

Principals Mulhern and Dobran were prime examples of professionalism and the staff was so enthusiastic and welcoming that it was a breath of fresh air. I will continue to tout your school system as an example of what education should be like everywhere and look forward to returning if I can ever help.
Great job Garfield schools and community!

Bruce Boguski


Anton Albert Photography