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Tag: Mantua

Art on the Hill Returns to Mantua on July 8th

Mantua - The annual art festival and wine tasting returns to Mantua on Saturday, July 8th. At this year’s festival, organizers once again expect thousands of visitors to the sleepy village during the festival hours of 10 am to 6 pm. This summer street festival boasts over 80 artisans...

Crestwood Recognizes Retireesat May School Board Meeting

At the May Board meeting, the following Crestwood staff members were recognized for their retirement by the district. They included Patricia Briggs, who served the district for 30 years, Doyle Hogue who served 7 years. Grover Vaught has been at Crestwood for 34 years, while David Wesley was an...

Mantua Hosting Triple Trail Fest This Weekend

Mantua - How did it happen? This life-time resident of Portage County was clueless. She hopes that rest of the county isn’t. But just in case…did you know that three wonderful trails merge in Mantua? The trails are Buckeye Trail, Headwaters Trail and the Cuyahoga River Trail. The Buckeye Trail,...

Courtney Leigh Vance of Richmond, VA

Courtney Leigh Vance, 48, formerly of Mantua, passed away surrounded by loving family on January 19, 2023 in Richmond, Virginia where she was living. She was born April 3, 1974 in Bedford, Ohio, to parents Carol (Fejedelem) Corbett, currently of Mantua and Mitchell Vance, currently of Bismarck, ND. A graduate of...

Crestwood Lions Club Will Be At Mantua Potato Festival

The Crestwood Lions will be at this years’ Mantua Potato Festival from Friday, September 9th, through Sunday, September 11th. The Lions Club will be selling their delicious Festival food in addition to holding a plastic drive thru collecting soft plastic from 10am until 2pm at Buchert Memorial Park. Plastics...

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