Home Geauga County Summer Is Quickly Approaching… Along with Teacher Workshops! Registration Deadline extended...

Summer Is Quickly Approaching… Along with Teacher Workshops! Registration Deadline extended until May 27th


All Aboard!  It’s not too late to sign up for the Geauga and Portage Soil and Water Conservation Districts’ unique teacher workshops for teachers and educators.  Through outdoor learning and inquiry experiences, the Wonders of Watersheds Workshops can help you transition to tackle the learning standards with engaging lessons and resources.  These workshops are open to educators of all grades and disciplines, proven as effective and fun trainings, and offer affordable graduate credits through Ashland University.

The Wonders of Watersheds (WOW) Workshop, Tuesday, June 14- Thursday, June 16, 2016 is a 3-day program held in Geauga and Portage counties.  Educators will discover creative ways to incorporate the standards through activities, inquiry, outdoor investigations, and peer teaching.  Each participant will receive Project Wet, Project WILD Aquatic, Project Learning Tree, and Exploring Streams curriculum guides.

The Advanced Wonders of Watersheds, Monday, June 27 – Wednesday, June 29, 2016, is an intensive 3-day program at Old Woman Creek National Estuary in Huron, Ohio.  This once-in-a-lifetime experience includes scientific investigations, activities, and the unique opportunity to collect research data on Lake Erie with the United States Geological Survey Lake Erie Biological Station.  Participants receive Healthy Water Healthy People, The Wonders of Wetlands, Flying Wild, and Teachers on the Estuary (T.O.T.E.) curriculum guides.

Both workshops provide investigations of increasingly important water quality and land use issues, one to three graduate credits, and engaging activities led by local resource professionals.  Rejuvenate your routine, gain new skills, and treat yourself to an academic adventure this summer!  For more information visit geaugaswcd.com or contact Gail Prunty at gprunty@geaugaswcd.com or 440-834-1122.  Don’t delay… Registration deadline is May 27th!


Anton Albert Photography