Home News Scouts Earn Their “Reach Out” Award

Scouts Earn Their “Reach Out” Award


Mantua – Recently, Junior Girl Scout Troop 442 from Crestwood Intermediate School hosted a panel discussion to earn their “reach out” award.  The requirements for the “reach out” award included having the troop explore the roles available to women and girls.  The troop set up the panel discussion and invited four panelists from different professions to speak about their professional and personal roles.  The troop determined which roles interested them the most and soon a panel was formed.  From left to right, the panelists included; Amy Graves, RN and Nurse Manager of the CSICU at Hillcrest Hospital;  Dr. Robin Rosen-Sharp, Veterinarian with the Aurora and Mantua vet clinics; Mrs. Barbara Rhodes, a faculty member of the Fashion School at Kent State University; and Deputy Amy Dougan, DARE officer and Deputy with the Portage County Sherriff’s office.  The troop learned a lot about each of these professions and celebrated with a small reception afterwards.  

The troop includes: (back row) Kylie Tracy, Isabella Sorboro, (front row) Riley Spence, Michaela Graves, Rachel Quiggle, Raeann Quiggle, Krista Smith, Jillianne Sorboro and Maci Head. Congratulations to the girls and a great big “thank you” to the panelists!

Anton Albert Photography