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Rotary Report


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are out and about again, with their annual–well, mostly–roadside clean-up on St. Rte 82 between Garrettsville and Hiram.  You know the line,”the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak”?  Well, it sort of applied  in this instance.  Those that were able to show up–they definitely showed in fluorescent vests–(several auxiliary possibilities were unable to make it) did yeoman service by removing several bags of the usual detritus–bottles, cans, paper, UTAOs (Unidentified Thrown-Away Objects) and some items best left unidentified too precisely.

This followed the meeting on October 3 when plans for the approaching Reverse Raffle and Silent Auction were put in train for the big event coming up on November 10 at SugarBush Golf. Sponsorships are available  for those wishing to make a contribution.  Tickets also can be obtained from any member.  A top prize of $ 1000 is mighty tempting and the auction items look good too.

The club maintained its community-minded chops once again by making a donation to the JAG MVP campus surveillance fund being mounted by a group hoping to place security cameras and equipment on school facilities to reduce threats to public safety and property security.  The possibility of securing a matching grant from Rotary District 6630 was also brought up; it will be investigated.

Steve Zabor, district-governor-in-waiting and member of the Mantua-Shalersville Rotary Club, is slated to attend the October 10 meeting.

Bob Jackson, secretary-treasurer par excellence, is sorely missed but recovering.  He will, no doubt, return better than ever, though that would be hard to do.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography