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Only Four More Days to Go!


Mantua  Twp. –  Ellie Foster Monroe’s Big Bash had just four more dates on the calendar–March 26, April 2, April 9, April 16–for all of you Mantua Township folks to stop in, free of charge, to see the facilities available at the Mantua Center School, lately acquired by the township trustees ( a purchase from the Crestwood Board of Education   upon the completion of the new primary school) to house the work of the fiscal officer as well as the cemetery sexton’s files (These are in the older part of the building) and to offer facilities for use by the public.

Ellie–she of the “Quilts for Causes”– has never been one to let an opportunity to do good pass her by, so, on her own, she has opened the space for public use and inspection on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., with the object being to let all and sundry know what possibilities were available to them.

The possibilities are considerable.  So…consider : the newer portion of the building (Built in the late sixties or early seventies) has a smallish gymnasium area, complete with baskets at each end (Even a couple of lowered rims for the littler folk, so they don’t get discouraged trying to make  it to the regulation height).  There are   newer-type tables and chairs available, with some standard built-into-the-wall lunchroom seating that folds, well, into the wall, so they’re out of the way for use of the floor space.  There’s a warming kitchen set-up and a lunch line arrangement for serving refreshments.

The entrance and restrooms are all at ground level, making them ADA-compliant and convenient.  There is a lighted entrance.  There is adequate overhead lighting in the cafeteria/gymnasium wing.  There’s a clock.  There’s a bulletin board.  There’s a small movie screen. It was warm on the chilly March day when it opened. There’s a variable fee schedule for building use, should the public wish to rent the place out for an activity.  Ellie brought in games, magazines and books (Speaking of which, husband Tom does “Books for Troops” which is just what it sounds like) and visitors are welcome to bring their own to occupy their time or to donate for the use of others.  Ditto for the potluck lunch and dinner semi-events.

Tours of the 1914 portion of the building  will be made available on the remaining Tuesdays of this debut period, just so folks can get an idea of what the space might be used for.  There will be a music event–big band-type stuff and maybe other listener-friendly tunes–maybe dancing, who-knows-what on March 26.  Take a peek.  Give a listen.  Call Vic Grimm (330-274-2850) to get in line for reservations to use the building or for more information about particulars concerning the whole enterprise. (see area events, page 2)

Or just stop in to talk to Ellie and the others who might be spending time there.  It’s a neighborhood sort of place.  Could be YOUR ‘hood.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography