Home Trumbull County Newton Falls Community Backpack Program Thanks

Newton Falls Community Backpack Program Thanks


Newton Falls – Your donations to the Newton Falls food-in-backpacks program continue to help supplement meals for local students. We thank the following folks who supported the program from late May into October.

For donations of funds, we thank NF Kiwanis, Sts. Mary and Joseph Ladies Guild, Soos donation, one anonymous donor, and Dental Associates of Newton Falls, who donated proceeds from their sale of root beer floats this summer.

For donations of food, we thank NF First Baptist Church Vacation Bible School program, NF First Christian Church Youth Group, NF United Methodist Church donation box, Braceville United Methodist Church Youth Group who worked at a local farm to earn money in order to donate food.

For plastic bags to use instead of actual backpacks (fewer allergy problems), we again thank Mr. Clark at NF IGA and Mrs. Spicko at Shop ‘n Save.

For help getting cases of food moved into the school, we thank Ron Benson, Bob Wujcik, and Kiwanis Club members.

For providing locations for collection boxes, we thank Associated School Employees Credit Union, Healthy Treasures, and NF United Methodist Church.

For books—we include one book with each bag of food—we thank the Church Mouse, NF Public Library, and those who donate children’s books to the Chirch Mouse.
We thank those individuals and groups who have already signed up to pack food on Wednesdays at NF Middle School and we will acknowledge them at semester break.
Finally, and especially, we thank NF Exempted Village Schools and Supt. Woodard for the storage room and the help of the staff who determine recipients and coordinate the distribution of the food. Thank you all.


Anton Albert Photography