Home News Newton Falls Am Vets Post 112 honored by Trumbull County Commissioners

Newton Falls Am Vets Post 112 honored by Trumbull County Commissioners


Warren – At the Wednesday June 26th meeting of the Trumbull County Board of Commissioners, Newton Falls Am Vets Post 112, was honored for their charitable works and support of veterans. Present to accept the award was: Becky Veatty, Robert Ferriman, Richard Hoover, Robert Cameron, and George Stanley.
Untitled-2A nationally-recognized organization with over 310 members, they work tirelessly to support veterans and the community. Last year they were the largest single donor to the Ohio Veterans Home, contributing over $13,000, awarded four $1,000 college scholarships to seniors at Newton Falls High School, and gave the Newton Falls Athletic Boosters a donation of $9,000.
In addition, they serve breakfast to the public, with the proceeds used to send care packages to troops overseas, provide food baskets to the needy (worth between $150 and $200 each) during the Christmas season, through monetary donations support the Church Mouse Thanksgiving and Christmas basket program, and donate to the Camp Ravenna Christmas party in support of the troops based there.
Other fundraising projects include supporting the American Cancer Society Relay for Life activities, leading the drive collecting over $10,000 for a memorial at Newton Falls Park, and being instrumental in establishing a Vietnam Memorial honoring local veterans.
The next fundraiser will be a golf outing at Riverview, July 13th in support of the scholarship fund. For more information on the golf outing, or how to support the Am Vets through donations, or become a member contact Post 112 at 330-872-4019 or Commander Daniel Reece at 330-727-4737.


Anton Albert Photography