Home Nelson Nelson Website Almost Ready

Nelson Website Almost Ready


Nelson Township – Nelson Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently. Items on the agenda were website update, neighborhood watch program, and fuel tank situation.

Trustee Joe Leonard updated the board on the website. The website domain NelsonTownshipOhio.org will be free for a year if they purchase a small hosting package for $9.96 a month for a year. Mr. Leonard suggested that they ask the community for input on the site. The website will also have parks and attractions, zoning information including meeting times, trustee meetings, contact information, and more. They expect to have the website ready to go in January. The trustees also would like some public input on the issue. They are looking for Nelson Township history, pictures, events and activities for the website. Contact Joe Leonard 330 527-5276 if you have any questions or information regarding the website. Mr. Leonard informed the trustees that Hiram Township is organizing a watch block power point presentation that would be presented by Portage County Sheriff’s Department to interested local governing bodies if interested. After some discussion the trustees decided they would be interested in the presentation. Leonard will relay the decision to Hiram Township Officials and will inform the board when a date has been set for the presentation. Mr. Leonard is also looking into developing a local food bank for the township as well.

Trustee Bill Wilson stated that they had received a notice from Ravenna Oil that they need to update their fuel tanks. After further investigation into the situation Wilson stated that the estimates for the update are around $12,000 not including the pumps. The board agreed that they would look into purchasing fuel from the James A. Garfield School. The trustees will submit a letter to the school board requesting the possibility of purchasing fuel from the district. They trustees would also look into purchasing a portable fuel tank to keep a small amount of fuel on hand at the garage.

Trustee Jim Turos spoke on behalf of the trustee and thanked the community for their continued support of the recent renewal levy.

The trustees meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm at Pixley Park.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography