Home News Nelson goes to Narrow Band Radios

Nelson goes to Narrow Band Radios


Nelson Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting last Wednesday with all trustees and the fiscal officer in attendance. Chairman Jim Turos called the meeting to order.  Fiscal officer J. David Finney presented the expenditures including wages totaling $4606.91, minutes from the previous meeting, notice of a zoning court date, the final figures for the handicap ramp and information on the Ohio Township Association Winter Conference. The Trustees approved the minutes and the expenditures.   Finney stated that the handicap ramp cost was $14,000 with half of the original cost ($13,249.29) coming from a grant.  Trustee Tom Matota questioned the cost difference, Finney said the hand rail measurements were off and it required an additional section of railing not calculated in the original drawings.  Finney reported that he completed the training for the new software for the up coming year. He stated that there will be some adjustments to the way they have conducted their finances as the new software will be more restrictive than the other one.

Turos said he authorized the township to purchased narrow band radios in order to be in compliant with the new Federal Communication Commission regulations that mandate all radios be narrow band by the first of the year. When questioned why he had the authority to do so he said it was time sensitive and it was an allowable purchase as it was under the amount allowed to be spent without a board vote.

In roads, the Road Supervisor Chuck Vanek reported that they will replace the two culverts on Bancroft Road on the Friday after Thanksgiving. The road will be closed for a short time and he will notify the proper authorities of the closure.

Community House Care Taker Michelle Cmunt reported that she received the check from the Outspoken Wheel Bike Club for use of the facility in September 2013. She also asked about a not for profit group’s request she received for use of the facility at no charge for a “Barter Day” on   December 8, 2012. The trustees agreed to allow the group use of the facility.

Trustee Joe Leonard stated that he had received a complaint on the condition of the flags on military graves on Veterans Day. A discussion was held on how to rectify the issue. The flags are donated by the Veterans Administration and are placed by township workers on veteran’s graves for Memorial Day and are usually left up all summer. It was suggested to take them down after July 4, 2012 and put them back up for Veterans Day. They will consider this option.

Leonard   suggested they look at the zoning code in January and consider new verbiage for new home construction in an industrial zoned area.

Leonard also thanked Terry Allen and L& P machine for the lettering on the sign.

A question was raised on a time frame for what is considered seasonal help. It was determined that there is no time frame for work allowed under seasonal title as long as they stay under 1500 hours a year. The township has requested that Brian Collins, their seasonal helper obtain his commercial driver’s license (CDL) as soon as possible.  So he can be train for snow removal. Vanek will work with him on this issue. Trustees will reimburse Collins when he passes test.

The trustees also will develop a driving policy for employees that drive the township owned vehicles. The policy will require drivers to turn in a yearly driver’s license abstract report to prove they have a current license in good standing. The township will reimburse employees the cost of the report.

The trustees adopted a policy where they will hold their year end meeting on their regular meeting date, followed by second meeting as an organizational meeting for the next year.

Conflicting reports from the townships Risk Management Insurance Company resulted in the trustees voting to remove the playground equipment at Pixley Park.   One report stated that the equipment could be adapted to current safety standards, while another report said to remove it. The playground equipment was donated to the park from a resident and was not a commercial play set. The trustees chose to remove it.

Lastly, the trustees would like to thanks the garden club for doing a fantastic job on decorating the community house for Christmas and they would also like to thank the Nelson Quarry Park for their $3200 donation to Pixley Park.  The donated money was applied toward the purchase of a bat winged mower for maintaining the park.

The trustees meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 at the community house. More Nelson Township news can be found on the website at www.nelsontownshipohio.org

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography