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Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary soldiers are putting together the program for the February Family Week activities.  A great addition will be the participation of Dr. Bittence, she  of the coming Robinson Memorial-associated medical facility in Garrettsville, who will be available to “meet and greet” as well as offering a mini health fair–blood pressure checks, etc.–to those in attendance at the Saturday Family Fun Day at the Garfield Elementary School.  Midway (Thank you, Maceks) games are lined up, Rotaract and Interact members are set to help out and clean up, Sunday’s musical program is taking shape, contest sign-ups are going out .  The activities for Grandparents Night are on Tuesday at the Portage County Library headquarters in Garrettsville.  The ball is rolling; make plans to be part of the STRIKE.

Jim Irwin recapped his awarding of trophies at the Rotary-sponsored Power of the Pen district tournament recently held at Garfield Middle School.

More to come.  Stay tuned…or come and participate in all of the Rotary activities.

Historical Society News

The James A. Garfield Historical Society reviewed their Christmas Walk final accounting, reporting a net income of $15,884.71 for the biennial community showcase and fund-raising activity, acknowledged a gift from the Village Piecemakers whose amazing king-sized quilt raffle was won by a long-time, out-of-town attender (What will they do for the next one?) who declared herself thrilled to win and always happy to come for the event.

More mundane business included the possibility of linking up with the Chamber website as a part of widening available information on the organization and its activities as well as the necessity of doing something–probably costly–about leaks in the ceiling and roof work.  On the bright side, there is a new back door…opens and closes and everything.  Budget and audit requirements  are coming up…fun all of the time!  Wish lists are due.

Doc and MaryAnn Leggett came to pose some questions: Why is the group called the James A. Garfield Historical Society? (to cover the entire school district) What happened to the  (very) old sports trophies that used to be displayed in the Middle School–now the Intermediate School–trophy cases? (Some  misguided principal on a cleaning kick probably had them pitched?) Why were some veterans with Garrettsville addresses left off of the Veterans’ Memorial? (Didn’t meet the criteria of living inside the village?)  In connection with that last question, it was noted that there is a plaque inside of the clock tower that could be brought out and checked and possibly displayed.  And speaking of displays…the maple marker which had been in the front window was moved, soon to go to the garden,  to facilitate the next seasonal display…which just might have something to do with maple syruping  anyway.  This IS where it’s happening and has been happening for over a hundred years.

Visitor Barb Bejger made a presentation of the mechanical–and electrified–Santa which used to grace the front window of the Pelsue Drug store when it was on Main Street.  The civic-minded business owner declared that she felt that it should remain in the village as a memory rather than being lost as a faceless antique.  Member Helen donate a hand-knit lady’s bag  (c. 1890’s) for the costume collection

Program possibilities for the coming year–and beyond–were discussed; the floor is open to suggestions.

Mark Apple, of the SummerFest committee, came seeking suggestions for and participation in this summer’s extravaganza with a Las Vegas theme.

History just keeps right on happening!

A Toast

A toast to the Main Street Grille and Brewing Company!  They’ve garnered  three bronze awards in the recent World Beer Championships for their Progress Porter,’35 Extra Stout and12 Daze of Christmas Ale.  The descriptions alone might even make a non- beer drinker sit up and take notice: “hazy copper color…bold coffee grounds aromas…roasted pecan and chocolate aromas with a dry light-to-medium body…deep copper…fleeting fish eye bubble head…boozy aromas of cranberry, taffy, ratatouille and orange jelly on caraway rye toast…tangy baked orange, brown sugar and grassy hop finish.  Whoa! Sounds like you might want to eat it with a spoon!  Often.

Congratulations !  Keep on brewin’!

Hall of Fame

After a brief organizational hiatus the James A. Garfield Hall of Fame is back and ready to take on all comers.  Schedule conflicts and some untimely losses have caused the recognition ceremonies to be moved (tentatively) to April 30, 2011.  If you wish to make nominations of persons to be honored, stop in at the high school office for a nomination ballot to place the name of the individual whom  you feel deserves recognition into the files and into consideration.  Remember, the honorees must have graduated at least ten years ago (2001) before taking their place in the Hall of Fame, but the nominations may be made at any time.

And don’t confine your suggestions to athletes.  They’re the ones with the most numbers–we do love statistics, scores, rankings, etc.–but accomplishments of other kinds are also important in the life and the heart of the community.  Be as specific as you can in detailing why an individual deserves recognition (Just being a “good guy” or making “the best chicken soup”  are fine attributes but more is called for here) and be patient.  The HoF committee is seeking more members — please leave your agenda at home — and a dedicated person to take over as CEO (Don Moore filled this spot…and organized much of the activity to date but his dream needs a new leader).  The next meeting of the Hall of Fame committee will be on February 3 in the Commons at James A. Garfield H.S./M.S. at 7:00.  Come with some ideas.  Come with some committment.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography