Home Other Areas Mantua Village Garden Club to Meet

Mantua Village Garden Club to Meet



Mantua – The September meeting, of the Mantua Village Garden Club, will meet at the home of Debbie Haylett on Monday, September 9th, at noon.  The meeting will start off with a delicious pot luck luncheon, which will include a variety of home made dishes.  After lunch, and a short business meeting, Debbie has designed a mystery craft workshop for the group.  She wants it to be a surprise – so if you like crafts, potlucks, and surprises, please feel free to join us.  Call Diane Lottig @ 330-274-2868, or Lea Lazar @ 330-274-0614.  The MVGC will have a bake sale table, at The Potato Festival, on Saturday, Sept.7.  We will also have a walking float in the Potato Festival Parade, on Sunday, Sept. 8, so be sure to look for us and give us a shout!


Anton Albert Photography