Home News Mantua Township Trustee Report

Mantua Township Trustee Report


Mantua Twp. – In his cemetery report, Jim Aldrich reported receiving $450 in burial fees, $160 in foundation fees, and $1,855 in grave sales. He also reported that several trees had been removed, their stumps ground down, and monuments repositioned back in place, as had been planned. Continuing, he informed trustees that in the new section, the access drive has migrated and needs work, relating that the bottom drive turns too sharply to the east. He requested help in researching where graves are located in that section, in order that the work does not disturb those interred there. Trustee Victor Grimm will assist Mr. Aldrich in this matter. In addition, the trustees discussed revisions to the proposed cemetery fee schedule previously presented by Mr. Aldrich. With minor changes, the fee schedule was approved, with new prices to take effect starting December 1st, 2014. The new fee schedule can be found on the township’s website: mantuatownshipohio.gov.

In addition, according to Trustee John Festa, in the rules for West Lawn Cemetery, “some improvements are needed to make it more concise.” Trustee Jason Carlton agreed, noting several such examples, such as those regarding the transfer of previously purchased graves. All three trustees agreed to review suggested revisions for discussion at an upcoming trustee meeting.

Frank Horak reported on behalf of the Veterans Memorial, that the flags representing each branch of the military have been received and installed. On behalf of the committee, he thanked those businesses and individuals who donated time and resources to complete the project.

In old business, Jason Carlton reported that the township exterior painting project has been completed, and thanked everyone involved for his or her time and monetary donations. Formal thank you letters will be forthcoming. It was noted that the Mantua Restoration Society donated 35 gallons of paint for the project. In similar news, contractor and resident Cal Brant, who completed the work on the Township Hall exterior, has wrapped the bell tower at the Center School in weatherproof material to “keep out the winter”.

Next, Trustee Carlton shared that he had contacted Teresa Skully, a teacher at the High School, for help designing a logo for the Township. Ms. Skully will be assigning the project to her graphic design class, which will start in January of 2015.

Lastly, regarding the Center School committees and volunteers, Trustee Festa commented that he was, “not thrilled that non-professionals were added to the Assessment Committee.” Trustee Festa plans to discuss it with Todd Peetz from Regional Planning, but is, “looking forward to the next phase.”

The next meeting of the Mantua Township Trustees will be held on Thursday, November 20th at 7:30 pm in the Township Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography