Home News Mantua Township Receives Grant

Mantua Township Receives Grant


Mantua – Dana Heffner from First Energy attended a recent Trustee meeting in Mantua Township to present a check in the amount of $1,500 to Ms. Linda Ehlert of the Mantua Restoration Society. The funds were earmarked to help support renovations and the installation of an elevator at the Mantua Township Administration Building, formerly known as Center School.

Ms. Heffner shared that the organization receives a multitude of grant requests from a variety of communities that are served by First Energy. In her role as Area manager, she made a business case for selection of the Township’s project; specifically how the building will be used to extend community services to local residents.  “Ms Elhert made an excellent case for how the community center would greatly benefit local residents by housing much needed programs and services,” she acknowledged.

Ms. Heffner explained that after she toured the building, it was easy to see the project’s potential. “It’s really a gem in this community,” she marveled. “We’re always looking for ways we can help build communities up, and this project seemed like the perfect opportunity,” Ms. Heffner added.

The funds were made available through a grant by the FirstEnergy Foundation, which supports organizations that help improve local communities within their service area.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography