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Mantua Township News


Mantua – At the last meeting of the Mantua Township Trustees, it was announced that an organizational meeting will be scheduled to discuss committee positions and next steps for work on the Township’s Administrative Building (AKA Center School). As you may recall, letters of interest for committee position were due at the end of July. Director of Regional Planning, Todd Peetz, reviewed those submissions, which he reviewed and provided to trustees. Mr. Peetz will moderate the organizational meeting, which will be held on October 22nd at 7 pm in the Civic Center. The public is encouraged to attend.

In other news, several residents voiced their concerns to trustees over letters sent by the township’s Zoning Inspector, John Dickey. According to residents, Mr. Dickey is requesting information that is not specified in the township’s zoning book, namely, license and registration for vehicles and trailers without BMV license plates that are stored on residents’ property. Residents also maintain that the letter they received notes that no vehicles of this type are permitted, while township regulations state that “no more than one,” is allowed. In addition, the letter in question gave residents 15 days to remedy the situation, noting penalties for non-compliance. Township zoning guidelines stipulate that residents are allowed 30 days for compliance.

The trustees assured residents that the letter in question was meant by Mr. Dickey to be purely a warning letter and not an official citation.  The trustees plan to work with Mr. Dickey to revise the document and clear up any inconsistencies. “We’ll work through it,” stated Trustee John Festa, explaining, “It’s a new thing for all of us,” referring to the newness of both the Zoning Inspector and the township’s zoning book. According to Trustee Jason Carlton, “Changes to the warning letter will be forthcoming.” Proposed revisions will be discussed at the next Trustee meeting. Anyone who has received the letter in question is encouraged to contact the trustees for clarification.

In Old Business, Cal Brant of Brant Carpentry updated trustees on the Town Hall repair project. Mr. Brant thanked volunteers John Festa, Carole Pollard, Ellie Monroe and Mark Hall for their assistance with scraping and repair work to the structure. He noted that representatives from Coon Restoration would be on site next week; an updated project timeline will result. In addition, it was noted that the township’s help-wanted ad for an on-call snowplow operator ran in the paper and was posted on the Township’s website, mantuatownshipohio.gov. Applications are due by October 13th.

Lastly, the township will again be hosting a Flu Shot Clinic on October 8th from 4 – 6 pm at the Township’s Civic Center. According to Trustee Victor Grimm, a four-strain flu shots will be offered for children age six months to 18 years at a cost of $10; adults age 19 – 64 may receive a flu shot for a cost of $30. Individuals age 65 and up can received a high-dose flu shot for $45 and/or a pneumonia shot for $80. The Flu Clinic is provided by the Portage County Health Department.

The next meeting of the Mantua Township Trustees will be held on October 2nd at 7:30 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography