Home Other Areas Mantua Amercan Legion to Meet April 4

Mantua Amercan Legion to Meet April 4


Mantua – American Legion Auxiliary Unit 193 of Mantua will host the regular meeting of the Portage County Council on April 4,  according to Beverly Guy, PCC President. The meeting will be held at the Mantua Post, 4808 E. Main at 7:00 pm.

A Special Memorial Service for departed members will be held at this meeting. All Portage County units need to attend. They include Deerfield 713; Ravenna 331, Kent 496; Windham 647; Streetsboro 685 and Aurora 803.

Additional activities of the Mantua American Legion/Auxiliary include the monthly soup supper on Friday, April 5 at 6 pm. Also Unit 193 Auxiliary meeting on April 8 at 1 pm and Legion meeting on April 11 at 7:30 pm.


Anton Albert Photography