Home Garrettsville Library Spotlight On: NextReads

Library Spotlight On: NextReads


Portage County District Library is pleased to spotlight NextReads, a free email newsletter service that provides suggested reading on various topics.

Portage County District Library cardholders with an email address can subscribe to any of the 20 different subject and genre newsletters. Newsletter topics range from Biography and Memoir to Fantasy, and are sent on a monthly or every other month basis, and include up to 15 titles.

NextReads allows subscribers to link directly to the library catalog to place a hold or request a title from the newsletter. In addition, NextReads newsletters include suggested titles for special themes within favorite reading categories, readalikes for a favorite author, and much more.  Do you love books on travel?  Then subscribe to the Armchair Travel newsletter.  Are you looking for a good thriller or suspense book?  Then Thrillers and Suspense is the newsletter for you.  There’s a newsletter for all reading interests.

Sign up online for NextReads by visiting the Portage County District Library’s website at www.portagelibrary.org and select the “Suggested Reads” link.  Branch libraries include Aurora Memorial, Garrettsville, Pierce Streetsboro, Randolph, Windham, and Outreach Services (including Library Express). Library Express locations include Aurora, Brimfield, Deerfield, Edinburg, Hiram, Mantua, Randolph, Rootstown, and Shalersville. Find us on Facebook.


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