Home News Historical Society To Donate Clock Tower

Historical Society To Donate Clock Tower


Garrettsville – Village Council met for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting on March 14. Minutes from the prior meeting, revenue, expenditure, cash balance, and income tax reports were all reviewed. Motions to pay the bills and accept the minutes were both approved 5-0 (Council member Karen Clyde was absent). Connie Knop and Kit Semplak, on behalf of the James A. Garfield Historical Society, addressed Council about the future of the clock tower. They shared that the historical society does not have enough manpower or financial resources to maintain the building and clock and asked if the village would accept it as a donation. The tower sits on land owned by the village, and leased by the historical society. It was determined that the village already pays the electric power and does some maintenance on the building without cost to the historical society. Councilmen Kaiser and Patrick recognized the historical significance of the building and thought it wise to acquire it for the village, especially since there would be no immediate cost. The historical society will formally submit the donation to council for next month’s meeting. Next, representatives from Davey Resource Group, Western Reserve Land Conservancy, and Hiram College presented a progress report on the Restoration Project of Eagle Creek. The area of the restoration will encompass 14 acres and is located on 152-acre parcel of land south of State Route 82 and west of the village. The plan is to return a section of Eagle Creek to a natural course and replant the area impacted by years of logging, farming and erosion. The land will remain restricted access and have no public trails. Set to begin in June, the project hopes to improve habitat and water quality for Eagle Creek, which flows directly through Garrettsville. Any questions about the project can be directed to Tom Ford, Director of College Relations for Hiram College. Other items of business included approving the library’s request for assistance with annual building and utility costs, discussion about the police department’s request to purchase a new copy machine and the first reading of Ordinance 2012-06, which will establish a job creation tax credit for the village. Jeff Sheehan from the Bureau of Public Affairs (BPA) asked for council to approve the BPA’s recommendations in response to a private property situation involving an error in removing trees for utility access without prior permission from the owner. Council voted unanimously to approve the recommendations. Parking on Main Street, which was recently discussed at a Safety Committee meeting, was brought up during round table discussion. Council President Patrick stated he would talk with the merchants on Main Street for a consensus before proceeding with any changes. He also stated better signage, directing people to the municipal parking lots and the boardwalk, wasneeded. The Mayor reported that Freedom Township has bowed out of the Joint Economic Development District plans. Village Council then adjourned to executive session to discuss personnel and property issues. If you’d like to know more of what is happening in your community, please attend a meeting. Village Council will next meet April 11th, 7:30 p.m. in the Village Hall.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography