Home News Historical Society Holds Chirstmas Open House

Historical Society Holds Chirstmas Open House


Ravenna – The Portage County Historical Society in Ravenna will host a Christmas Open House & Holiday Fund-Raising Sale on Saturday, December 11, 2010 from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M.

The Lowrie-Beatty Museum, Carter house, Strickland house, Log Cabin, Campbell Land Office, Ford Seed Store, Mahan Barn and Indian Village will all be open for tours.

The “Unique Gift” Fund Raising Sale will feature items donated just for this sale.  Tables will be set up throughout the facility and a special table will be Just for Kids, with all items under $1.00.  The society needs good quality items donated for the fundraising sale and will be accepting donations until Thursday, December 9, 2010. Things such as older Christmas decorations, glassware, china, tools, old toys, games and books are the type of items the society needs for the fund raising sale. A 50-50-Raffle, Door Prizes and refreshments will be located in the Library area of the Museum building.  The Historical Society is located at 6549 North Chestnut Street, Ravenna Ohio. For more information call 330-296-3523 or visit http://history.portage.oh.us

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography