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Hiram Village News


Hiram – This year the Hiram Village Spring Clean- up at the curb is scheduled for Saturday, May 18, 2013. Old  tire drop off from 8:00 a.m. until noon at the gravel parking lot just south of the Rosser Village Building will take place on that day as well.

Curbside brush pick up will be on or about the last full week starting in April and ending in September.  Please think “green” and use only bio-degradable bindings and leaf bags.  Also, try to keep the size of the brush pile to no more than two men can load within 15 minutes and nothing longer than 8 feet.

In Planning and Zoning news, on March 28th  a public hearing before Council on the approximately 89 acres annexed land was held. Ordinance #: 2013-3 establishing an R-4 Residential Zoning District was enacted by Council this past month.

Zoning fees have been revised and the Finance committee is in agreement with the revisions. Ordinance #: 2013-04 was recently enacted by Council approving the revisions to Village’s Zoning Fee Schedule.

The Village has received approval from the State and ODNR of the appraisal undertaken by the Village. This past month Council approved the authority for the Solicitor to prepare a Purchase/Sales Agreement for the “Hiram School Park” property. The Solicitor will work closely with ODNR Recreational Services Administrator, Mrs. Mary Fitch and Doug McGee, the original Grant author.

There are currently three (3) volunteers to serve on the Park Board: Mrs. Susan Merrill, Mr. Chris Szell and Mr. Sam Bixler, all residents of the Village. However, the Village will await the acquisition of the “Hiram School Park” property before the formal appointments.

Saturday past council members inspected the OLD FIRE HALL and LIGHT PLANT in anticipation of the Mayor’s suggestion that they be sold for an appraised value. The College has shown an interest in purchasing them for college use.

Fire, EMS and police have contracted with Hiram College. Recently an amended draft proposal of a three (3) year contract was submitted to President Tom Chema and Vice President and C.F.O. Steve Jones for signature.

MOTOR  VEHICLE  LICENSE  FEE –  Ohio has eight (8) separate provisions, four (4) of which can be enacted by the County and four (4) of which can be enacted by municipalities or township where a motor vehicle is garaged, available to be enacted to assess a $5.00 fee on motor vehicle rates. The law further provides that the highest level of motor vehicle fee which can be imposed is a total of $20.00, and the priority of who gets the fee is established by which entity enacts the fee first. Currently, Hiram Village and the County impose a $5.00 fee and the Village currently imposes a second $5.00 fee, for a total tax of $10.00.  This month Council enacted legislation to increase the Village portion of the license plate fees by $10.00.This means a Village resident would pay a total of $15.00 and Hiram Village rather than the County will benefit from this fee. This license plate use fee effective in January 2014 is expected to raise an estimated $2,000.00 to $5,000.00 per year for badly needed maintenance of Hiram Village streets.

Council passed Ordinance #: 2013-10 to enact a new Drug Task Force Agent. Our community has a clear problem and present danger with the use of hard drugs. Police, social agencies and the Courts are severely impacted by this cancer and we in Hiram Village have acted. Crimes of all nature are perpetrated as a direct result of illegal drugs and drug trafficking in our community.

The Village would like to congratulate Frank on his impending retirement from Hiram College since his appointment in 1972.  Also, congratulations to the College in its successful effort in raising over 10 million dollars for the College’s endowment.  Both are milestones in Hiram College’s 163 year history!

On March 28, 2013 the Hiram Police Department, in conjunction with AAA, hosted a “Safe Driving” seminar for Senior Citizens.  The program was packed full of important safety information directed toward senior citizen drivers.  The program included educational safety tips on how to properly adjust a vehicle’s rear view and side view mirrors as to eliminate blind spots, how to properly adjust the car’s steering wheel and proper hand placement while driving, tips regarding night time driving, and much more.  Lori Cook of AAA has joined forces with the Hiram Police Department in our common goal of public safety; it is a pleasure to have AAA and Lori Cook with us. The seminar participants were intrigued and fascinated with the safety tips they learned.  “It is so comforting to hear senior citizens say they learned how to be safer drivers.”  Hiram Police Department is planning future safety seminars and programs with AAA to be announced soon.


Anton Albert Photography