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Hiram Township Happenings


Hiram Twp. – Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe noted that she and Village Clerk, Susan Skrovan met to discuss the communities’ combined Fire and EMS Budget. Diane will be scheduling another meeting with Ms. Skrovan to include Chief Byers, as well. The meetings were scheduled at the request of Trustee Jack Groselle, who would like to have a better understanding of how the department’s funds are managed through the village’s capital fund. Next, Ms. Rodhe provided trustees with a 2015 & 2016 audit update. She noted that the auditors provided several recommendations. Among them, they advised the township to create a record for employees to have personal time off approved by the road supervisor in advance of taking PTO time, and suggested that the township use a procedural checklist for hiring new employees. As a result, Ms. Rodhe will create a PTO request form for the Road Department, as well as a hiring checklist for trustee review.

In Resolution 2017-33, trustees unanimously approved Steve Pancost’s motion to accept the payment of $4,000 as final payment on all costs associated with the Donald Kosher property along with the motion for release of judgement and the letter of certainty that has been submitted by Gordon Kosher and Debra Blake.

In his Fire Report, Chief Byers shared that the monthly Fire Report has been emailed to the trustees and fiscal officer. He noted that the new squad has been received and is having graphics placed. It was determined that the township will write a check directly to PFund Superior Sales to help fund the township’s portion of the new vehicle when the invoice for $30,000.00 arrives. The grant application for the loading system is pending. Next, the subject of 911 service in northern Hiram Township was discussed. It has been noted that currently some 911 calls from that area are being transferred to Geauga County inadvertently. Chief Byers would like to get a message out to all township residents to reach the Fire Department directly at (330) 569-7505. He requested funding to print and mail a postcard to township residents notifying them of this issue and providing the proper emergency contact number; the trustees unanimously agreed to cover the cost.

Similarly, it was shared that the Fire Department and Firefighters Association will once again be hosting Santa on a Fire Truck this holiday season. Township and village residents may drop off wrapped gifts, labeled with the recipient’s name and address at the Fire Station from now through 6 pm on Wednesday, December 13th. Deliveries to township and village addresses will take place on Saturday December 16th beginning at 4:40 pm. In police news, Chief Brian Gregory shared that his department was awarded a $7,300 grant from the US Department of Justice. The funds will be used to purchase body armor, which ranges in price from $600 – $800 per officer. “I want all of our officers to have updated and modern body armor to wear as part of their daily uniforms,” he shared. Also, for the sixth consecutive year, Chief Gregory proudly shared that his Department was awarded the AAA Platinum Award for Traffic Safety and Community Program Awareness. Trustees unanimously approved increased police patrols for October, November, and December.

In his road report, Road Supervisor Tom Matota shared that chip and seal work is complete, and that road salt has been ordered, with partial delivery already received. He noted that the helipad has been graded and seeded with grass for next year, and that grading and grass seeding has been completed around the new building and along the east side of the driveway, as well. It was unanimously agreed that the service for the telephone landline at the Ryder Road garage should be cancelled, with all calls forwarded to the road supervisor’s cell phone of (330) 569-8908. This updated information has also been added to the website.

The next regularly scheduled trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 5th at 7 pm; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography