Home Schools Hidden in Plain Sight — Looks Can Be Deceiving

Hidden in Plain Sight — Looks Can Be Deceiving


We’ve all heard that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Well on Tuesday, December 10th, that old adage will be updated to include paper clips, dryer sheets, and lots of other seemingly harmless household items. That evening, the Mantua Police Department will host a traveling exhibit entitled “Hidden In Plain Sight,” at the Crestwood High School. The exhibit, hosted by the Bath and Copley Police Departments, gives adults the opportunity to explore and interact with a display designed to resemble an average teenager’s bedroom. Throughout the exhibit are over 150 seemingly harmless items that may indicate that a teen could be involved in some high-risk behavior such as substance abuse, underage drinking, eating disorders, and sexual activity.

Attendees at the awareness program will be able to get an up-close look at the items in the room and be shown how they can be used. The 90-minute program that accompanies the exhibit provides in-depth highlights, as well as resources, should parents need help in resolving any issues they uncover.

Doors open for the program in Mantua at 7:15 p.m.; the presentation begins at 7:30. There is no charge for admittance; however, the program is for adults only.  The traveling exhibit has been shared in over 30 communities throughout Northeastern Ohio since 2012.

For details, contact School Resource Officer Joe Urso at SRO@crestwoodschools.org.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography