Home Geauga County Geauga Fresh Farmers’ Market Opens its 16th Season in South Russell

Geauga Fresh Farmers’ Market Opens its 16th Season in South Russell


The Geauga Fresh Farmers’ Market will open on Saturday, May 6 at 9:00am in the parking lot of the South Russell Village Hall, the corner of Chillicothe/Rt. 306 and Bell St. The market will be open every Saturday, rain or shine, from 9:00-Noon, until October. Customers will receive a complementary BlueCrop blueberry plant donated by Hawthorne Springs Greenhouse in Burton – while they last.  There will be two drawings and free balloons. Everyone is welcome!

Just in time for Mothers’ Day, opening day will feature hanging baskets, flower and vegetable seedlings, herbs and other plantings, fresh baked goods, coffee, fresh spring produce, jams and jellies, honey and maple syrup, herbs and greens, spices and sauces, as well as soaps and lotions, mushrooms and meats, fresh eggs, garlic, and hand-made crafts. Master Gardeners from the Ohio State University Extension Service will be on hand to provide demonstrations, to answer questions about growing seedlings and vegetables, and to answer your other plant questions.

Back by popular demand, there will be three free farm tours this summer – free transportation provided – so watch for this and for more information on market products and our producers on our Facebook page or our web site at geaugafarmersmarket.com.


Anton Albert Photography