Home Geauga County Geauga County Retired Teachers Association Offers Grants to Teachers

Geauga County Retired Teachers Association Offers Grants to Teachers


The GCRTA is offering applications for mini grants to currently licensed and employed teachers in Geauga County Public Schools. Teachers may request an application by contacting the superintendent’s office of the public school district where they are employed. The grants are a onetime award to financially assist a teacher with a classroom project or activity. These teacher grants will not exceed a value of $250.00. The applications are open for any academic discipline and grade level.
The mini grants for the 2017-2018 academic year will become available for interested applicants on October 1, 2017, with a final submission deadline of March 1, 2018. The grants will be awarded to the recipients as they are selected. The GCRTA looks forward to serving the students, teachers, and public school districts of Geauga County.
The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association congratulates the following teachers who were the initial mini-grant recipients from last spring:
Bernadette Stefancin from Newbury and the PBIS Team. The grant was used to fund an off campus Field Trip.
Kelly Johnston and Jennifer Allemang from Kenston Intermediate School. The award was used to support the use of technology when creating student art projects.
Wendy Bartolovich and Denise Garrett From Maple Elementary School in Chardon. The mini-grant helped the teachers to purchase materials to implement The Zones of Regulation Curriculum.
Sharon Stotts from Cardinal Middle School. An Easy Spin CompostTumbler was purchased to aid in the observation and study of composting organic waste.
Kathy Allen from Chardon Middle School. Materials were purchased for student use in the after school programs of Science Olympiad and Road Scholars.


Anton Albert Photography