Home Other Areas GCRTA December Luncheon Meeting

GCRTA December Luncheon Meeting


The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association will hold their annual Holiday Luncheon on Tuesday December 2, 2014. The event will be held at St. Denis Party Center at 10660 Chardon Rd, Chardon, Ohio 44024. Attendees should gather at 11:15 with the business meeting beginning at 11:30 and then followed by lunch at noon. The menu consists of fresh roasted pork loin, redskin mashed potatoes, garden blend vegetables, tossed salad, rolls and butter, assorted pastries, soft drinks, tea or coffee.

Musical entertainment will be provided by ‘The Geauga Renaissance Singers’ from the Geauga Senior Center. Reservations for the luncheon are required, and should be mailed to Judy Miller at 17130 Kinsman Road, Middlefield OH 44062. Please write your $19.00 check to GCRTA, which includes a one dollar donation to the Grant-in-Aid fund. The deadline date for reservations is November 21st. (Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, reservations are required earlier than usual for an accurate count.).

Please bring a newly retired teacher, or school personnel retiree, or someone who may need a ride. We are also asking each member to bring paper products or canned goods for the ‘Geauga County Hunger Task Force’.

If you need a ride from The Geauga Transit, please call 285-2222 or  564-7131, Ext. 516 a week ahead of time to make your reservation.


Anton Albert Photography