Home Other Areas Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary met on October 10 to be informed by Stew Buchanan of District 6630 about the Centennial Celebration of the International Rotary Foundation begun by Art Klumph, of the Cleveland Rotary Club.  District 6630 will be hosting representatives from all over the nation and the world on October 23, 2016, with a concert by the famed Cleveland Orchestra and dinner at the InterContinental Hotel.  Speakers will include Rotary International president-elect, John Germ and Rotary Foundation chair-elect, Kalyan Banerjee.  Local Rotary members, InterAct members and Rotary Student Exchange individuals are especially invited.  Local clubs  are also being asked about the possibility of assisting with transporting visiting Rotarians and even with hosting visitors from afar.

The club voted to consult with other clubs in the Portage Cluster about supporting Rotary efforts in Haiti by supplying a shelter box containing survival items for the victims of Hurricane Matthew.  Dollar amount to be determined by the level of participation.

The semi-annual roadside clean-up is scheduled for October 22; InterAct members and any other interested volunteers are invited to participate, beginning at 9:00 a.m.   at Hillbrook Farm.

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary will be assisting in the funding for the Nelson-Garrettsville Community Cupboard Snack-Pack program in the Garfield schools, as  outlined by recent speaker, Michelle Elias, and organized by the United Methodist Women of the Garrettsville United Methodist Church.

Way-finding signs, designed by the business Works, intended for the Headwaters Trail,  have met with a hitch in zoning approval but the work goes on.  Ditto for the free library location, about which traffic, parking and accessibility considerations have arisen.

The next meeting of Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary will be held at the usual time but in a new place, In the Woods, an outdoor activity center, located on Nichols Road in Freedom Township.  Lunch will still be provided by Cal’s

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography