Home Other Areas Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report


The Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram met on Monday, September12 in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville (lately recovered from the crowds at Sunday’s Queen of Hearts event) for their first–of-the-month business meeting.

The business, in this case, was reporting by local delegates to this year’s RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) events held at Baldwin-Wallace University, Berea, OH.  The young people  who attended were Christian Crawford, Jane Rader and Mykala West.  They described their participation in and enjoyment of the various aspect of their experience.  Their description included mixer and group activities, leadership training, communication skills, speakers, civics and patriotism.  Encouraging such positive attitudes as kindness, service, inclusivity, socialization and goal-setting was part of the whole good experience. So was the good food.  Students attending RYLA events are chosen as juniors so that they can use their experiences throughout their senior year to benefit their schools and themselves.  Should be a good 2016-2017 at JAG H.S.

The Reverse Raffle is coming up on November 10 at Sugar Bush Golf Club.  As this is Rotary’s prime fund-raiser for the year, members are trolling for sponsors : each one, reach one, so to speak.  Anyone who is onboard with the organization and its community activities is urged to contact a member and be a part of the good work.  Sponsors are rewarded.  Kepich Ford has an oar in; more paddlers are needed.  See members for tickets.

The Free Library to be located by the Headwaters Trail has arrived; there are already locations at   the Garrettsville Y and McDonalds .  Take a book/leave a book; reading counts.  Flyers were available for the Rotary Polio-Free India were available.  The semi-annual Rotary roadside clean-up is approaching, date to be determined…but it looks like October22 or 29.

In local business/personal info the group heard of the Fall Festival at the Johnson Home in Hiram                      , sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on October 8, a celebration of a church organist who has ministered in music for 70 years, environmental concerns about action of First Energy, concerning rate hikes, awards for attendance at JAGHS coming this year, things are busy at the Business Works, the Quiz Bowl posse made money parking card for the Queen of Hearts crowd on Sunday.

They’ll be back next Monday. Come check out Rotary at noon.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography