Home News Garrettsville Council Considers Changes to Job Creation Tax Credit Incentive

Garrettsville Council Considers Changes to Job Creation Tax Credit Incentive


Garrettsville – The October 10, 2012 council meeting opened with council approving the minutes from regularly scheduled council meeting on September 12, 2012.   Revenue, expenditure, cash balance, and income tax reports were all reviewed.  The Mayor stated that the income tax report “looked good”.  It was also reported that collection of delinquent taxes was still ongoing and many of those that negotiated payment plans needed ‘encouragement’ to make timely payments.  Another round of notices would also be sent out soon.Council discussed tabled Resolution 2012-19.  It was determined that there was no need to pursue applying for grant money from the Move Ohio Forward Grant Program that would provide funding to demolish dilapidated and/or condemned housing.  Council un-tabled the resolution, then voted it down.
Ordinance 2012-26 passed, which amended Ordinance 2012-25 that fixed compensation of the employees of the village, Board of Trustees of Public Affairs and Board of Cemetery Trustees.  An error in the original ordinance for the salary list was corrected.
In other business, Council passed Resolution 2012-27, which authorized application for a Justice Assistance Grant for Law Enforcement.  The grant, which commits the village to matching funds up to $2000, is for the purchase of a new electronic fingerprinting machine for the police department that is now a state requirement.
Next, Mayor Patrick introduced Joe Mayernick, of Hermitage Capital Partners to discuss the current Job Creation Tax Credit that council recently passed.  The tax credit was passed in an effort to encourage growth in existing businesses in the village as well as encourage new enterprises.  Mr. Mayernick encouraged council to consider expanding the tax credit to make it more appealing and competitive in possibly bringing larger businesses to the area.  After much discussion, council agreed it was a positive step for the village.  Solicitor Stuck will be drafting the legislation to be presented at next month’s meeting.   Mr. Mayernick also encouraged council and the mayor to revisit the possible development of a joint economic district with one or more of the neighboring townships.  Mayernick stated that that would be a positive step in long term planning for economic growth for the area.
Next on the agenda was discussion and passage of Resolution 2012-28, which authorizes the mayor to enter into a cooperative agreement with the Portage County Engineer for the Liberty Street Bridge replacement.  The agreement would allow funds from the BPA, not to exceed $52,875, to be used toward the costs of the replacement.
During round-table discussion, Councilman Klamer reported that James A. Garfield Schools received official notice earlier that day that they received the “Excellent With Distinction” rating again.  Mayor Patrick asked council to approve the purchase of a new tractor.  The tractor is to replace one of two that the village retired recently.  It will cost just over $17,000 for the complete package and the vehicle will be used for sidewalk snow plowing and grass cutting.  Council approved the expenditure.
Because of the upcoming Christmas Walk, the condition of the holiday wreaths that mount on the street light poles in the village was brought up for discussion.  The burned-out bulbs in the candles in the center of the wreaths are a constant issue.  It was decided to try a longer-lived LED bulb to see if it resolves the problem, if not it would be re-addressed before the next holiday season.
Mayor Patrick also brought up the tree program that the village has offered to residents in the past.  The program offers reduced cost tree removal from residents’ tree lawns for diseased or damaged trees.  The resident is required to pay $200, and the village will pay the balance.  Council approved offering it again this year up to a maximum expenditure of $10,000 to the village.  Any resident needing this service should contact village hall.
Mayor Patrick also announce that leaf pick-up will be starting soon.  Resident need to have their leaves to their tree lawns and the village will vacuum their bulk leaves or pick-up bagged leaves beginning October 22.  The pick-up program will run through mid November.  Any questions can be directed to Village Hall.
The mayor set Garrettsville Village treat-or-treat times.  It will be October 31st from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
If you’d like to know more of what is happening in your community, please attend a meeting.  Village Council will next meet November 14, 7:30 p.m. in the Village Hall.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography