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Garfield Historical Society News


Garrettsville – The James A. Garfield Historical Society trudges past boring stuff like maintenance and repair concerns and into the future with plans for a festivity on March 17, St. Patrick’s Day, possibly tying in with the local green-tinged activities by offering Irish genealogy searches for any suspected Hibernians in town for corned beef and cabbage or green beer or Irish dancing. Check out the society’s headquarters on the day.

Also moving forward are plans for offering Vintage Photo Fun during this year’s SummerFest Las Vegas-themed activities.  Patrons will be offered the opportunity  to have vintage-style sepia photographs ( no flash powder!) taken while wearing some of the JAGHS antique garments and posed before appropriately historic backdrops.  See how much you look like your grand mother!
Also in the works : Julie Fredrickson is organizing a minor league version of Antiques Roadshow, a sort of Appraisal Project for those dusty items in the attic or basement that you’ve always wanted to know more about.  These have been popular  in the area and this one will feature local dealers, auctioneers, appraisers, etc.  Start cleaning now; Aunt Hazel’s chamber pot must be worth something.

The Portage County Historical Society will be holding a historical forum on March 26 at the headquarters in Ravenna…open to all….make reservations

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography