Home Schools Garfield Hall of Fame

Garfield Hall of Fame


It’s that time again.  The Garfield Hall of Fame is coming up on April 26 and the Class of 2014 is being announced.   Ticket for the dinner and awards ceremony are available to the public.  Call Sheri Johnson 330-527-5384.

The honorees for 2014 are :

*Faber A. (Rusty) Kearney, ’76 –Varsity letter winner in football, student coach of girls’ softball, National Honor Society, Quiz Bowl/Academic Challenge team ; six-year tour in United States Navy, Bachelor of Science, Nuclear Technologies, Excelsior College; Senior Reactor Operator license, Perry Nuclear Power Plant, First Energy; Exelon Vice President of Mid-West Operations, Site Vice President, Byron Generating Station, Exelon Generation; Bd. of Directors for Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Decatur IL; volunteer science lecturer in Garfield science classes and science fair judge; community volunteer (with his lovely wife) in several communities where they have resided, still have a home in Garrettsville.  A Powerful career!

*Harry Kraft—A graduate of Hiram College, Coach Kraft has given great service and made outstanding contributions to the James A Garfield Local School District, most notably in the area of coaching track & field at the middle school and high school level.  Multiple P.C.L. and P.T.C. championships have been the crowning achievements of his dedication to kids and education.  Countless hours of time and expertise spent improving the track facility—such as it is—and volunteer service in management and equipment have made his contributions invaluable.  He has been a solidly positive influence, having a favorable and indelible impact on many athletes across the years.

*Nick Rogers, ’99—Holder of ten varsity letters at Garfield (football—4, track—4, basketball—2), twice  All-PCL running back, 1st team All Northeast District running back, 1997; special mention all-Ohio, 1997; PCL Most Valuable Player, 1998; team captain; rushing yardage, 1271 yd. (jr), 1302 (sr).   Three-time state qualifier in track (1999, 5th place, 4×100).  Four-year scholarship fullback at the College of William and Mary; National Honor Society at Garfield. A model student athlete.

*Jeremy Vecchio, ’97—Varsity letters in basketball and track, to wit : basketball ,three-year letterman; PCL Player of the Year, 1997; All-District 1st Team, 1997; All State, 1997;  track, four-year letterman; PCL Championship team, 4×400, 1997, state qualifier; PCL Champion, long jump, 1997; team championship, 1997;Akron Touchdown Club Player of the Year, basketball, 1997; Plain Dealer Player of the Year, basketball, 1997; currently serving as a law-enforcement officer, a role model and a force for good in the community, 14 years and counting.


Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography