Home Nearby Nature Garfield Elementary Raises $1836.50 in “Roundup For A Cure”

Garfield Elementary Raises $1836.50 in “Roundup For A Cure”


Garrettsville – GES students in grades K-6 participated in an all day walk-a-thon Friday, May 22nd, entitled “Roundup For A Cure”.  Students brought donations totaling $1836.50 which was donated to the Friends of Melana Foundation to be used for children’s brain cancer research.  Friends of Melana was named in memory of GES 4th grader, Melana Matson, who lost her life from a form of childhood glioma brain cancer in 2009. Throughout the entire school day two to three classes of students at a time walked the school track for 20 minute intervals in support for the cause. Pictured above are students from Mrs. Ring’s class holding the FOM banner. 


Anton Albert Photography