Home News Freedom Township Trustees

Freedom Township Trustees


Freedom Twp – The Regular Meeting of the Freedom Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Hammar at 7:30 pm on Thursday, August 4, 2011. Present: Trustees James Hammar, Roy Martin, John Zizka; Rosemary Nicholas, Fiscal Officer; Jeff Derthick, Zoning Inspector; Charles VanSteenberg, Road Supervisor. Also present: Charles Duffield, Dan Grafton, Pam Wilke and Kyle Wilke.

Mr. Hammar led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Martin made the motion, seconded by Mr. Zizka to approve the minutes of the July 21, 2011 Regular Meeting as presented. Motion carried.

Zoning: Mr. Derthick reported that one permit was issued, for an addition. The building on Vaughn Road has been moved out of the township; we are still working with the Prosecutor’s office to make sure that it doesn’t come back. We are moving forward with the junk car and storage trailer cases, both on S.R. 700. Mr. Derthick has paper work for a variance as well as a conditional use that he will pass on to the BZA; their next meeting is August 16. The Zoning Commission will not meet in August. In response to a question from Mr. Zizka regarding the portable accessory building on S.R. 303, Mr. Derthick said they will be contacting the resident to get that issue resolved. Mr. Zizka also asked about the PODS unit on S.R. 88, and Mr. Derthick said this will be removed this month. Mr. Zizka said there was a new PODS on S.R. 303 between S.R. 700 and Asbury. Mr. Derthick will check it out.

Roads: Mr. VanSteenberg said they worked on getting the water and electric lines to the pavilion. The water is in; we are waiting for the electrician. Six residents called for brush pick-up this past Monday.

Todd Lamb Paving will start his road work the week of August 8, and Mr. VanSteenberg asked the trustees if they wanted Lamb to cover the trench between the town hall and the pavilion. The board agreed this was a good idea but suggested it be done last, after the road work, to give the trench more time to settle. Mr. VanSteenberg said that Karen Martin has finished the wallpaper and paint at the church building. It looks good, and a thank you letter will be sent to Mrs. Martin. Mr. Zizka said he had contacted the right-of-way agent for Dominion and told him that one excavation point has never been blacktopped and there also seems to be a crack most of the distance of the line they bored. Mr. Zizka suggested they clean the crack and put some sealer in it. The R/W agent said he would contact Dominion and the contractor. Mr. VanSteenberg said he’d like to have the trustees consider chip and seal for the town hall drive and parking area next year.

Mr. Zizka said the Bethel Springs Fellowship members painted the door and trim at the church building.

Mrs. Nicholas questioned the name on the sign in front of the building, and suggested it be changed to more accurately reflect its purpose and, more importantly, to protect our property tax exempt status.

After some discussion, Mr. Hammar made the motion, seconded by Mr. Martin, to name the church building the “Freedom Community Center.” Motion carried.  Mr. Zizka will follow through on this.

Park: Organic Roots will be replacing two trees at the Community Park this fall, as well as doing some fertilizing and trimming. Mr. VanSteenberg said that the Weed Wizard has not treated the ball field at the town hall. Mr. Zizka said the playground area also needs some attention, as well as the edges by the poles. Mr. Hammar will contact the Weed Wizard. Mr. Martin said the regulations have been changed and he may be able to spray for the township under his applicator’s license. He will check into this, as well as the insurance requirements. We have not received anything regarding the park grant application.

At the request of Mrs. Nicholas, Mr. Martin made the motion, seconded by Mr. Hammar, to transfer $2,000 from the General Fund to the Zoning Fund, to support the Zoning Fund. Motion carried.

New Business:

Crown Castle: Mrs. Nicholas will contact Mr. Meduri to see when he is available for a teleconference with Crown Castle’s outside counsel. She will relay this information to Mr. Hammar who will contact the attorney.

Health Insurance Renewal: Mrs. Nicholas reported that the insurance applications have been sent to Butler Insurance and to Burnham & Flower. Sean Sprouse of Burnham & Flower is planning on attending our August 18 meeting.

Old Business:

Town Hall Porch Update: Mr. Zizka said he talked with Mr. Miller regarding the town hall porch work and his quote of $9,500 did not include the $500 architect’s fee. Mr. Zizka will get more information and a sketch from Mr. Miller describing what he plans to do King Road Water Problems: Mr. Hammar said he has not had time to do anything on this. Mr. Duffield asked what the delay was, since the property owner had offered months ago to meet with the trustees. Mr. Hammar said he would definitely make some calls to set up a meeting.

Oil Well Lease: Mr. Hammar is waiting to hear from Mr. Smith, the attorney in Alliance. He has left messages for Mr. Smith who is out of the office. Mr. Zizka said he also called Mr. Smith’s office and the receptionist confirmed that he was out of the office.

Discussion followed regarding the Portage County Township Association meeting being hosted by Freedom Township on August 20, as well as the Freedom Community Picnic on August 21. Many details were discussed and finalized.

During the meeting, warrants #5664 – 5698 in the amount of $16,278.44 were presented to the Trustees for approval and ordered paid by signature.  In addition, EFT in the amount of $848.39 was made to the IRS.

There being no further business,  the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography