Home Portage County Freedom Township Trustee News

Freedom Township Trustee News


Freedom Twp – After the Pledge of Allegiance, the January 5, 2017 meeting was called to order by Chairman John Zizka at 7:32 p.m. The fiscal officer was unable to be present for the organizational meeting. In the absence of the fiscal officer, the 2016 chairman will conduct the meeting until a chairman is selected for 2017. Present were Trustees Jeff Derthick, Roy Martin, John Zizka, and Dave Bultinck and Zoning Inspector Rich Gano.

During the organizational meeting, John Zizka was nominated to be the Chairman and Roy Martin, Vice-Chairman for 2017.

At this time chairman for 2017 elect John Zizka proceeded with the organizational meeting. Yearly resolutions were reviewed and amended. These included:

Town Hall/Community Center Rental Fees: Currently $50.00 for residents and $75.00 for non-residents. $100 Commercial, with security deposit double the rent and refundable after inspection of hall. No charge for funeral, legal, or charitable organizations (i.e. Scouts, 4-H).

Town Hall Pavilion Rental Fees: $25 for residents and $50 for non-residents, with corresponding security deposit

Set day/time for the regular trustee meetings (currently first and third Thursday of the month, at 7:30 pm, with the second meeting in December to be set at a later date).

Reconfirm that all meetings will be held in compliance with the Ohio Sunshine Law; further, that special meetings will be advertised in the Record Courier, the newspaper of most general circulation, by notifying them at least 24 hours in advance.

The Organizational Meeting ended at 7:40 p.m. and moved into the regular trustee meeting.

Public Comment: Dave Bultinck stated that on December 9, 2016 the Park Committee has been approved for Incorporation as “Freedom Community & Park Boosters, Inc.”. Other legal papers are being submitted for approval. Copies of the by-laws and mission statement and a constitution will be submitted as they become available to the township, as the township trustees will need to approve future plans for the park. There were interesting discussions on the next stage of the park committee. Dave is following through with the proper way to present the rules and by-laws to be reviewed.

Trustee Derthick requests the material list for constructing picnic tables from Trustee Martin. The committee would like to request participation from the scouts if possible, for bird houses. The committee is also checking on installing a pop machine for income to be set at the Townhall. They are interested in selling pop and other items at the baseball fields.
Dave reported on the county park committee. He noted that Todd Peetz has access to an upcoming grant with a matching fund (in-kind accepted for funds). The trustees would need to pass a resolution to participate in a grant program if and when available.

Zoning: Rich Gano stated that the Prosecutor has not received any communication from Barton Oil for the certified letter that Chris had sent. A resolution is now needed by the trustees to go to the Prosecutor to proceed. Rich is waiting on the paper work for a variance. A hearing is coming up January 25 for the Milano case on Nichols Road.

Roads: A short report was given by the trustees. A new battery has been purchased for the Kodiak. They also have two Saturday funerals coming up. A tree had to be cut up at the Community Park, as some damage was done to the top rail of the first base fence. Some pot holes had to be fixed with cold patch this week.

Old Business: January 4, 2017 status hearing on the public square was discussed but no information was presented to the Freedom Trustees. A suggestion was made to the trustees to obtain information for property appraisers for interested buyers to hire at their expense. No solution has been discussed at this time.

New Business: Trustee Zizka had information from NOPEC and First Energy. NOPEC has informed us that by February 2017 we should be contracted with NOPEC for our electric supplier.

Zoning Board appointments – On the Zoning Commission there are three terms that have expired. A motion was made and passed to re-appoint Kathy Knerem for a 5 year term on the Zoning Commission and appoint Amy Proya and Tom Mesaros to one year alternate Zoning Commission seats. A motion was made and passed to re-appoint John Wolfe to a 5 year seat on the Board of Zoning Appeals and appoint John Evans to a one year alternate Zoning Appeal Board seat. A motion was made by Trustee Zizka and seconded by Trustee Derthick to advertise for interested person(s) to apply for Zoning Board of Appeal alternates for 2017.

During the meeting, warrants & EFTs, #8240-#8243 in the amount of $2,411.97 were presented to the trustees for approval and ordered paid by signature.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.


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