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Freedom Township News


Freedom Twp. – The regular meeting of the Freedom Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Hammar at 7:30 pm on Thursday, July 21, 2011. All  trustees  were present.
Mr. Hammar led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Martin made the motion, seconded by Mr. Zizka, to approve the minutes of the July 7, 2011 regular  meeting with one correction: the charge for brine application is $60 per load.
Mr. Martin made the motion, seconded by Mr. Zizka, to approve the minutes of the July 13, 2011 Public Hearing as presented. Motion carried.
Zoning: Mr. Derthick reported that he met with the Assistant Prosecutor regarding current cases, to go over paper work and make sure everything is in order. He has also taken pictures of all violations, which is something Mr. Meduri wanted him to do. The BZA did not meet this month. The Zoning Commission (ZC) met and worked on a definition for portable storage units. They also discussed gambling parlors, and internet cafes. The ZC will not meet in August. Mr. Zizka asked Mrs. Nicholas to provide the Zoning Inspector, Assistant Zoning Inspector and Zoning Secretary with copies of the township’s personnel manual. Regarding the use of paper in the zoning office, Mr. Zizka said the trustees came to the conclusion that the zoning commission is part of township government; therefore, we will not be keeping a ledger of copies made. He told Mr. Derthick that if there was a problem in the future with office supplies disappearing at a rapid pace, it should be brought to the attention of the trustees. In response to a question from Mr. Zizka regarding the building on the north side of S.R. 303 by what used to be the “Emporium,” Mr. Derthick responded that it is a temporary building, it is on skids, and it can be moved.
Roads: Mr. VanSteenberg reported (1) paving of Stamm Road has been completed; (2) the door knobs in the church building and town hall have been replaced with handles; (3) he has the new agreement for brine application; (4) the new refrigerator for the church was delivered and installed this week. Mr. Zizka noted that Mr. VanSteenberg kept the trustees advised on the overage of materials on Stamm Road.
Fire: Mr. Martin reported on activities of the July 12 GFN district meeting. He and Jeff Kaiser attended the FEMA webinar on June 16. Plans are proceeding for the new storage building (being done by the Association). While doing an auto extrication, a blade broke on the cutters; it will cost $900 plus labor for replacement blades. They have a quote from Scotchman Electric for replacement lights.
EMS: Mr. Zizka reported that they approved the bid to have the shakes on the building cleaned, and the damaged and missing shakes replaced. They also approved some vinyl fencing and the purchase of a power washer from S&K Sales & Service. The district has  an opening for a paramedic. The board met in executive session to deal with a complaint against a public official.
Regional Planning Commission: Mr. Hammar reported that they went over the financial report for the coming year and also discussed extensions on subdivisions.
The trustees signed a cemetery deed for Mary Judith Stevens, Lot 580 B/C/D, Drakesburg Cemetery.
Mr. Hammar will call Ellerhorst Agency regarding the health insurance renewal. Mrs. Nicholas asked that the applications for Butler be completed and returned as soon as possible.
New Business: Mr. Zizka reported on the special meeting (as published in the Record Courier) with Ronyak Paving regarding work on Stamm Road. The County Engineer’s office estimated 66 cu yd of material for the berm; Ronyak used 144 cu yd. The revised invoice in the amount of $146,100.26 reflects the extra material charge over the original bid amount of $142,776.48. Mr. Zizka made the motion, seconded by Mr. Martin, to approve the revised invoice from Ronyak Paving in the amount of $146,100.26 for Stamm Road Improvements, OPWC Project #CT90N.  Motion carried.
The trustees reviewed recent correspondence regarding the proposed Crown Castle lease extension. They agreed that they wanted to go back to their original proposal; i.e., to extend the lease for an additional 20 years with a $5,000 signing bonus plus 25% of any revenue for each subsequent tenant after the first one. Mrs. Nicholas will convey this to Crown Castle.
Unfinished Business: Mr. Zizka has a verbal quote from Mr. Miller of $9,500 to do the town hall porch and roof, with the township removing the existing roof, slab and footer. Mr. Zizka will check as to whether or not this includes the $500 fee for the architect.
Mr. Hammar said he would like to proceed with making some improvements to the town hall pavilion.
Mr. Duffield said he would be available to assist the first week of August. The trustees discussed putting in electricity and water. Mr. Hammar will get updated quotes on the electrical work.
Mr. Hammar said he had nothing to report on King Road but asked about the beaver dams by the garage.
Mr. Zizka said the water is still high but he talked to the turnpike division superintendent about a week ago and they are not concerned at this point. The trapper has removed his traps and if the weather holds, we can start removing the dams.
Mr. Hammar said he has a number of groups willing to pick up stones in the newly-plowed field at the Community Park.
Mr. Zizka reported that Bethel Springs Fellowship made a donation to the Park Improvement fund. The  trustees will send them a thank you letter.
The trustees looked at wallpaper samples for the church basement meeting room and bathroom, and an estimate for materials and labor to do the work. Mr. Zizka made the motion, seconded by Mr. Hammar, to approve the purchase of materials to wallpaper the church basement meeting room and bath (approximate cost $200) plus labor at the rate of $10 per hour.  Motion carried.
During the meeting, warrants #5649 – #5663 in the amount of $49,213.09 were presented to the trustees for approval and ordered paid by signature.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:41 pm.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography