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Freedom Township News


Freedom Township – At the December 30, 2010 Trustee Meeting, the following matters were discussed and handled:

Zoning Inspector Derthick recapped zoning activity for the year. He will respond to a resident’s request regarding how complaints are handled.

Mr. VanSteenberg reported three replacement springs at a cost of $525 were purchased for the ’95 truck as well as a fuel tank repair at a cost of $450.

Rothermel Electric will disconnect the old and reconnect the new fuel tanks at the garage and install a new emergency disconnect button on the garage exterior at a cost of $780.

Mr. Martin said the Fire Department turned down sharing expenses with the Village for a computerized dispatching system. Mr. Zizka said the EMS also turned it down since we already get good dispatch service from the Village. He also provided recent minutes and call summary for November and said we continue to respond to Windham as needed and they are current in paying their bills.

Approximately 50% of the approved 2011 budget was appropriated.

Cemetery Regulations as revised at the December 16 meeting were adopted.

Mr. Mike Krzys was reappointed to the Board of Appeals for a term of 2011-2015. Mr. Frank Richnavsky was appointed to the Zoning Commission for a term of 2011-2015 with Mike Mikulski as alternate for a one-year term.

Attorney Dann Timmons donated his services to our gas lease project which was accepted. A gift certificate will be sent to show our appreciation.

Mr. Zizka spoke of the Right-of-Way Policy. He said that according to the Ohio Township Association, this should allow us to restrict cable companies from placing their boxes in the road right-of-way; the prosecutor is not sure that will be the case. Zizka said we need to prohibit people from putting masonry mailboxes in the right-of-way.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography