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Freedom Historical Group News


Freedom Twp. – Judy Thornton started the meeting by having Amanda Garrett read the minutes from the March meeting. Trustee John Zizka continued the discussion from the March meeting about a piano that is in storage at the Freedom Community Center. At the last meeting there was discussion about moving the piano to make room for three filing cabinets filled with documents and memorabilia from Freedom School. Zizka said he believes someone is interested in taking the piano, but, if not, the trustees might put an ad in The Villager.

Mrs. Thornton continued the discussion about coal mines and lime quarries that started in the March meeting. Mrs. Thornton researched the subject, and she found a reference to both places in the 1957 book, “Portage Heritage.”  Page 358 of the book states that there were coal mines on the Wilson Davidson and Henry Brown properties at the foot of Summit Hill on King Road. Abraham Goldman attempted a short-lived strip mining operation on the McCandless farm, which is east of Drakesburg. The book also states that there were lime kilns on Limeridge Road.

Discussion was had with regards to the Historical Society to becoming a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Costs as well as the neccesity to become a 501(c)3 were continued from prior meetings.

During the share time, Mrs. Reed shared photographs of the home she grew up in on Gotham Road, and Ginger Sheller shared memories of moving to an historic home on S.R. 88 in 1946. Jack Minski shared a deed abstract from his family’s property on Limeridge Road that describes a quarter acre of land that was set aside for school purposes. Mr. Minski said the remains of a schoolhouse and a well are still on his property. Jerry Pesicek entertained the attendees with many stories about growing up at Freedom Station, including spending time at the Crew farm and his memories of a colorful character named Gooey Miller.

Mrs. Thornton and Jeannette Wilson-Hall compiled binders filled with historic photos of Freedom homes. Attendees looked through the binders and helped identify dozens of the homes, including the former Crew residence on Freedom Road, the former Fear residence on Limeridge Road, and the former Art Maur residence at the corner of S.R. 303 and Nichols Road (this property was also an inn).

The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. May 10 at the Freedom Community Center. The subject will be historic utensils and housewares that were used in Freedom’s homes, businesses, schools, and farms. Attendees are encouraged to bring the items and/or memories to share.


Anton Albert Photography