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Free Water Monitoring


Streetsboro – Concerned Citizens Ohio/Shalersville Free Water Monitoring is again offered the first Sunday in August, August 4, at  3:15 P.M. at the Eagles Meeting Hall on Route 14 in Streetsboro, and right across the street from the K Mart.  (9052 State Route 14, Unit D, Streetsboro.)
Citizens who would like to have their water tested for total dissolved solids, chloride, and several other chemicals in order to establish baseline data should collect about two cups of cold water before the water enters a softener, water heater, or other treatment system. Cold water should run freely for about 5-10 minutes so that water standing in pipes does not alter the monitor results.
Samples should be taken in a wide mouth glass jar, such as a jelly or Mason jar. Doing several loads of laundry in cold water can accomplish the same goal.
C.C.O./Shalersville just borrows space from the Eagles so to respect their membership, we ask people to park in the back lot behind the building.  CCO/Shalersville is not associated with any political party, religion, or industry.  Our monitoring results do not take the place of EPA certified lab results, but they do act as a guide in the event of contamination to water wells in our area.
For more information, call Mary Greer at 330-472-8086


Anton Albert Photography