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Family Week is a GO!


Garrettsvelle-Hiram Rotarians are rarin’ to go with all aspects of the familiar local activity, focused on highlighting just about everything about families, all kinds, all ages, all the time.  Keep an eye out for more information as the dates draw near.  Threre’ll be something for everyone.  And if you want to get involved, say participating in the kick-off music festival or  the Fun Day on March 3, step right up.  Contact Delores McCumbers at McCumbers-Brady Realty on Garrettsville’s Main St.  The more, the merrier.

In the meantime, of course, there’s never a dull moment and the most recent program featured local doyen of all things community, Hallie Higgins.  Hallie is a part of the Garrettsville Design Review Board  (seating also Roger Angel. Connie Knop, Carolyn Sendry, with Jan Boehm representing Zoning) which issues permits for all manner of  signs, remodeling, renovations, designs, colors, hardware & fixtures proposed for projects in town, particularly in the downtown, historic district.  Most of the  business owners are in favor of preservation of the most attractive features of the main street and do what they can to maintain the ambience of the turn of a couple of centuries.  The Boardwalk was the real impetus for the formation of the board to continue the development of the central business district.  It’s still important, as are the co-operation with the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board.

Ms Higgins also put on another “hat” to give a brief picture of the operation of the Nelson-Garrettsville Community Food Shelf(currently looking for a new location for expansion). She reported that 106 families, including 167 children, were served during the recent holiday season.  The adopt-a-family program was part of that, and later in the year, back-to-school efforts will return.  She said also that there are mobility devices–wheelchairs, scooters, beds, etc- available for loan.  The People Tree will also accept such devices from families and individuals wishing to put no-longer-needed items to work for the good of others.


Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography