Home Other Areas Eagles Club Awards Scholarships

Eagles Club Awards Scholarships


Garrettsville – The Garrettsville Eagles Club (F.O.E.2705) for the seventh year in its 30-plus-years of history awarded three scholarships of $1,000 each to dependents of members.

Nick DeJesus is a 2012 graduate of Brunswick High School and is enrolled in Baldwin Wallace College.  He will major in Business Management and Marketing.  In school he participated in football and baseball letter and pin, academic letter for CPA and orchestra letter. As an Eagle Scout, he participated in community activities such as the Red Cross Blood Drive,  food drive for the needy and families during Christmas with food and presents. His ambition is to own his own company.

Howard Moore, better known as “Taz” is a 2012 graduate of James A. Garfield High School and is enrolled at Youngstown University majoring in Criminal Justice.  He played football for four years and member of the school bowling league for four years and was named Bowler of the Year for his last two years. He worked various part-time jobs during summers. His career goal is  to be a  correction officer and also a High School Football Coach.

Ashley Mullins graduated in 2009 at James A. Garfield High School.  She has attended Ohio University for two years majoring in High School Science Education.  In school she held the Fellowship Chair in Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity. Held memberships in Alpha Lambda Delta Honors Fraternity, and in the Ohio University National Science Teacher Assoc.

In 2009, she attained her dream of an Army career and was admitted to West Point, but due to a knee injury, her dream was cut short.  Her current goal is to teach in an underprivileged school and,  down the road, become a principal.

The Garrettsville Eagles are proud to award three scholarships for the seventh year of the program, and will continue through the coming years with the support of the members. This program is in addition to the Club’s support of several community services.

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