Home Schools Due to circumstances beyond our control….

Due to circumstances beyond our control….


Garrettsville – Sincere apologies and grateful thanks go to the folks who showed up for the Machine-0-Mania / Touch-A-Truck event last Saturday at Garfield H.S.  

Apologies go to the parents, grandparents and such who came expecting to see LOTS more trucks and big rigs of all sorts that simply were not there (The EMS squad even got a call while on the grounds and had to go out on a run.  Who would want to stop them?).  Next year we’ll get confirmation in BLOOD to make sure that you’re not disappointed.  Thanks for coming despite the chilly weather.

Great big THANKS to the guys of the GFNVFD (Garrettsville-Freedom-Nelson Volunteer Fire Department) who did come with the big trucks.  They assisted the little ones climbing up and down and around on the big machines, showed how to work the siren (Did everybody in town hear that?), let  kids climb on the seats and look out of the windows, showed off their firefighting gear and all of the shiny gadgets that help in rescue and fire situations.  The big bucket went ‘way up, sometimes with people inside (One brave little guy and his grandpa went up with a firefighter; grandma stayed on the ground taking pictures.  I could hardly look.).

Thanks to Joe Leonard who turned up with his 1935 open cockpit fire engine and let anyone who wanted to ring the bell and climb all over every other part of the vehicle(Bet that was heard around town too).

The Quiz Masters hope that you all had a good time in spite of the things that went wrong and that you’ll come back again next year.  Bigger and Better!


Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography